Ok FF, I need a little input. Bead show is in two weeks. I have no partner this time so its full table fee $250. I cannot fill an 8' table but I believe I can make it appear mostly full if I work like a mad woman for the next two weeks. Previous shows earnings have ranged from $300 to $1000 (the high show was my first show, the next closest was
about $600). I just tanked my glass account and savings accounts on truck repairs and sewer fees and the connection costs for the sewer are looming. Given the show's downward slide I'd be tempted to pass on it but with those costs looming and no 'cushion' to speak of I'm not sure what to do. So what do you think? Yea or nay? - Shannon - GlassMistress
If you can cover the cost of the table (and your time manning it), I'd say go for it. Even if you don't sell a ton that day, you'll build up shop inventory and get some exposure. Or do you think the show just won't be well attended? - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
If the show has been a steady decline, I'd be tempted to skip. If it's up and down, you've always profited so I'd say it's a fairly safe move. - Heather
questions about the intangibles: how far is the show, how much trouble to get to it? will there be people there that you like? (or hate?) do answers to those questions help? - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
The show is local but not in the best or most traveled part of town which I suspect affects attendance though I never participated in the show in its previous location. Personal expenses to do the show aren't too bad, about 15 miles worth of gas, and lunch which I bring with me. The other participants are a range of personalities there are some I like and some I avoid but once the show starts I'm more focused on my task than them anyway. - Shannon - GlassMistress
I'd ask myself: "if I made nothing; if I didn't sell a single thing, would it still be worth it?" and decide based on that answer. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon