Somehow elder cat one managed to step in a puddle in the litter box and create a 'boot' of cat litter. Which dried overnight I've cut off what I can but it is still packed between the pads and under the nails in pea sized 'rocks'. I tried soaking it but it remains the consistency of tar. Any suggestions?
Here's what I learned, should you ever find yourself in the same boat. NO water ... makes it worse. If you can, let it dry. Needle nose pliers do a good job of breaking it up once its dry if its rock hard like this was. There will probably have to be some scissor work. Above all, do it a little at a time, give kitty a rest when his/her patience runs out. I had to pull a lot of hair, wasn't much fun for either of us. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Option B is a bath and a scrub brush. - Colette
Water made it the consistency of tar .. this was super clumping little I guess. Cat litter concrete - Shannon - GlassMistress
Is it far enough in the past for me to laugh a little yet? - Steve C, Team Marina
Sure Steve, I got most of it out tonight. No vet visit which is what the litter company suggested. Laugh away! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Ah. I use wheat based kitty litter, so it's flushable, so litter won't really...clump like that. - Colette