So. There is another glass bead maker, M, who also makes sculptural beads. She's been at it a lot longer, is rather well known in the glass community, and is quite talented. There have been a lot of times that I'd swear we share brain cells. Last weekend I made a whale tale bead and when I turned on FB she had posted photos where she'd done the
same. It happens all the time. Her day to day beads are on the rushed side in my opinion but when she's really working to make something great her work is stellar. She has a tutorial out in the same magazine my bunny bead is in ... a tutorial to make a Jumping Hare bead (aka a flying bunny). I did some looking and found she had made that bead some years ago. I must have seen it somewhere along the way and though I didn't intentionally copy the bead I doubt anyone would believe that, including M. Basically I look like a hack and that bothers me. How does anyone come up with new ideas? How can you not be influenced by something you've seen, even when you don't remember seeing it? - Shannon - GlassMistress
Here is her online shop so you can get a feel for her style I'm still looking for my style :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Here is the rabbit bead I must have seen some years ago - Shannon - GlassMistress
Pst....your stuff looks way way better. #justsaying - Colette
Aw, thanks. I'd say my day to day stuff is better, probably because I don't worry about time. She's paying her mortgage with beads so the more she makes the more she makes, ya know. I cant touch her art stuff ... yet, but I'm working on it :-) - Shannon - GlassMistress