Jason P

Librarian, podcaster, gamer geek, crimefighter
http://blog.friendfeed.com/ "FriendFeed was shut down on April 9, 2015." Um.
I mean, if you believe it's shut down, then it's shut down. I learned that in The Secret. - Zamms
Waiting for the Inception top to stop spinning. - Jason P
Anne and I recently encountered an online (comments thread) argument about the best girl scout cookie, in which someone said "Trefoils are a garbage cookie" and the rejoinder was "You're a garbage cookie." Now periodically one of us will tell the other apropos of nothing, "No, YOU'RE a garbage cookie."
In a similar fashion, we witnessed a little girl giving her grandparents fits at a restaurant one night. They had plied her with chicken fingers, ice cream, and all the gifts she could ever want. But when it came time to go home, she stood up in her chair and declared: "I DON'T GET TO DO NOTHIN'" over and over and over. It has become the battlecry of anyone around here trying to squeeze blood out of the proverbial turnip. - MoTO Boychick Devil
I want a team like the Flash has.
The thing that happened to us ... it made us more of who we are. - Jason P
Defining moments. Hollywood Boulevard. Rocky Horror Picture Show. Age... 8. I knew all the lyrics. My sister was age 5, she knew most of the choruses. We were virgins, got rice thrown at us.
Riff Raff has been my spirit animal for thirty-seven years. - Jason P
So the FF site says "Close to learn more" but I don't trust it.
#askmeanything the answer is likely to be a confession of a crush.
Do you prefer Crush or Sunkist? - Kristin
*thumbs up* - Big Joe Silenced
I don't usually post my drunk threads in public, but we're about to get shredded.
who thinks I'm pretty? Hey bob's burgers is funny - Jason P
I love you, Laura. - Jason P
So, we're now reasonably sure that my wife saw Butch Walker playing in one of his first bands as backup for an Elvis impersonator, a couple of decades before Holly had even heard of him.
this is my new favorite story, btw. - holly #ravingfangirl
We will never be able to know for sure, but I've decided to be convinced by the circumstantial evidence. Anne says it was a terrible date, btw. - Jason P
i am convinced. - holly #ravingfangirl
My Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jdpucke... or infrequently twitter.com/jazzmodeus.
Oh man, I just got the "our service is new" error message.
I get to interview Amanda Palmer (by email) about her new book for Library Journal. What should I ask?
why would non fans want to read your book? What do you hope that people understand about you/beliefs/worldview as they read the book? What music inspires you to create? This is a joke question: Do you talk about your husband in your book? - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
Professor just emailed me asking me how we can get more recent issues of the student journal he publishes available online. I've been begging him, and student editors, for years to put it in our OA repository. ARGH
TIL that talcum powder stops new shoes from squeaking. My coworkers will be pleased.
Now you can sneak up on us again. - ellbeecee
Friend: "Your sister is almost 21? So she can start drinking soon." Dad: "'Start' HAHAHAHA"
Tonight at the bar Dad told the true story of when their boat broke down on Lake Victoria, almost got run down by a giant ferry (which he avoided by fixing the searchlight fuse with cigarette foil) and then they were rescued the next day by his friends Mahmoud and Tony Cocaine. ... My dad is kind of a badass, you guys.
i didn't ask about Tony's name. I decided it was cooler to just let it lie. - Jason P
Awesome - lris
My friend Charlie's library radio show tweets this:
Email: "Dear Jason, there is some confusion about..." No there's not. Only in your brain, because you are stupid.
d'oh. - Christina Pikas
^ indeed. my go-to diplomatic speak for "WTF are you doing?" is "I'm confused." - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
My guitar teacher sometimes uses "rock" as a synonym for "yes."
Dad's got a new drinking buddy who's an IT guy. THANK YOU SANTA
Dad's friend Bo is still hoping for WordPerfect to make a comeback.
Me too #revealcodes WordPerfect is the BEST - WarLord
My wife's stepfather can watch several episodes of a TV show before asking "Which one of them is named Treme?" or "Who is Sam Crow that they keep talking about?"
I've found that if I don't have someone to discuss a show with, I also tend to ignore names unless they become important. Then I have to look them up online. - bentley
(Neither of those names is a person.) - Jason P
About to order the last gift on my shopping list. This is for a "sort of but maybe not really boyfriend of an old friend whom we're going to see this weekend." Shopping challenge. I'm thinking Halloween barware never goes wrong.
AND DONE - Jason P
what did you get? - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
A skull shot glass. - Jason P
Anne is watching a low-budget British ghost show. I'm doing EVP simulations in her ear and shouting "Look an orb!" to heighten the experience.
i wonder if a comedy album has ever been done with this as the basis? - Big Joe Silenced
We are having several friends over and I want to get some small, inexpensive gifts to give out -- like the $10 range. Ideas?
Coffee mugs with treats? - Jennifer Dittrich
Those little chocolate bottles filled with real booze. - Laura Norvig
Stepped outside to watch Ant-Man filming for a few minutes, nbd.
Against All Things Ending (The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, #3) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Rocks: My Life in and out of Aerosmith - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Fatal Revenant (The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, #2) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
What's your Halloween costume?
Librarian. - laura x
Queen, provided the dress still fits. I gotta pull it out of storage. - Corinne L
Office is decorated.
Last night I had drinks with a friend. Next week her boyfriend is staying with us. I think I agreed to talk him into starting therapy, stopping coloring his hair, and getting a vasectomy. But I will have two days.