Jason P

Librarian, podcaster, gamer geek, crimefighter
Office is decorated.
Last night I had drinks with a friend. Next week her boyfriend is staying with us. I think I agreed to talk him into starting therapy, stopping coloring his hair, and getting a vasectomy. But I will have two days.
The Amulet of Samarkand (Bartimaeus Trilogy, #1) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
The Art of Asking; or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Gonna try out Firefly on dad tomorrow.
Blood Rites (The Dresden Files #6) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Oh also, my Friendfeed account works again. Don't lose your password, folks.
Make it a swear word, and you'll eventually type it into the box out of exasperation. - Eivind
I have a TATTOO DAAAAY scheduled
*jealous* - Soup in a TARDIS
My sister (in Thailand) has been going nuts to get the new iPhone. She ordered one to our house for me to send to her. Before we mail it to her, I'm going to take some pictures of us using it as a coaster and maybe the cats playing with it.
You are an awesome brother. And by "awesome" I mean "deviously evil." - Catherine Pellegrino
Poor Ip. She's forgotten who her brother is... - Jenica
My sister asked me a question about shoes on FB. Me: "I'm not a fashion guy; you've seen how I dress." Her: "heh heh yeah"
Such a cutie! - Soup in a TARDIS
OMG. Too, too cute. That squeak! - Kirsten loves you
Leon has just had a damn tiring day.
It's tough being that cute. - RepoRat
I've been on online reference for two and a half hours. So far I've had two questions. One was a noise complaint and one was "can I renew a book that's overdue?". Hour and a half to go.
There's yer cat photo, Pellegrino. Quit complaining
<3 - RepoRat
Maybe the next one. - Jason P
What a pretty kitty. - Anika
I love my parents, and I love having them stay with us for a couple of weeks, but also thank fuck for a break from having people around and getting to watch Doctor Who on my own.
All hail fuck - Steve C, Team Marina
oh, yeah. I'd buy that one too. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Welcome to the family, Leon.
awwwww! hi sweetie! - RepoRat
ADORABLE - Mary Carmen
The Embedded Librarian: Innovative Strategies for Taking Knowledge Where It's Needed - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Today we drove to Ellijay GA, two hours north of Atlanta, and back to pick up Anne's apple trees. She promised me that there were no comparable apple trees any closer. Then I spent the afternoon playing Dresden Files RPG at a friend's place. Tomorrow, tree planting and yard work.
Also, I met a cat named Samuel L Catson. - Jason P
Me: "I try to at least not be the biggest problem child." Boss: "OH YOU'RE NOT"
Neither of us named names. NEITHER OF US HAD TO - Jason P
England's Dreaming: Anarchy, Sex Pistols, Punk Rock, and Beyond - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
I'll never forget being an extra in a Robin Williams movie when I was in high school, along with many of my friends. We played soldiers on the airfield in Good Morning Vietnam. He did a standup routine on the Tarmac for us during a delay in filming, including a hilarious shouted conversation about masturbation with some of the Thai extras,
who didn't speak English. I salute you, Mr. Williams. - Jason P
(And by the way, he was cracking them up with zero common language. It was even funnier for those of us who could follow a little bit of Thai. Both Williams and the Thai guys were doing the SPEAK LOUDLY AND SLOWLY thing, which apparently makes dick jokes at least fifty percent more awesome.) - Jason P
My new phone is on the UPS truck for delivery. HURRY THE FUCK UP 5pm
Goddamn it. Love the phone but have to exchange it. I found a comparable one though. - Jason P
Tattoo artist texted me and told me I need to come out soon to get some more work done. oh okay IF I HAVE TO
The young lady is my friend from high school who's putting me up while I'm in NC for a conference. We're having a great time. - Jason P
The dude is her super nice drum teacher. - Jason P
Me, tired from grading assignments in my workshop: "I'm going to need to buy myself a treat with this extra paycheck I'm getting."
Anne: "A small treat." - Jason P
Me: "Five guitars." - Jason P
Prince of Thorns (The Broken Empire, #1) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Stories of Your Life and Others - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Brought tiny weird guitar case on the train this morning. Wondered if anyone thought I was an open carry nut.
I'd think that if you were an open carry nut, it'd be OUT of the case, no? - Catherine Pellegrino
That's true. Sensible carry guy? - Jason P
You are nothing if not sensible, Jason. - Catherine Pellegrino
Aw, thank you, Catherine. That makes one person who thinks so. - Jason P