Jason P

Librarian, podcaster, gamer geek, crimefighter
Stories of Your Life and Others - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Brought tiny weird guitar case on the train this morning. Wondered if anyone thought I was an open carry nut.
I'd think that if you were an open carry nut, it'd be OUT of the case, no? - Catherine Pellegrino
That's true. Sensible carry guy? - Jason P
You are nothing if not sensible, Jason. - Catherine Pellegrino
Aw, thank you, Catherine. That makes one person who thinks so. - Jason P
Cannot explain why I find this so funny.
Listening to some music Holly gave me as I work at home today. This Burt Warber guy isn't bad I guess
When you're really bored, a thing to do is tell Holly she's wrong about something to do with Butch Walker, and then STICK TO YOUR GUNS no matter what evidence she presents that she's right or how illogical your position
I figure if she's close enough to drive up and find me, I'll take a pass ;) - Jennifer Dittrich
A Better World (Brilliance Saga, #2) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Fooling Houdini: Magicians, Mentalists, Math Geeks, and the Hidden Powers of the Mind - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
From the Velvets to the Voidoids: A Pre-Punk History for a Post-Punk World - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Rip it Up and Start Again: Post Punk 1978-1984 - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Little Fuzzy (Fuzzy Sapiens, #1) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
So angry about a thing. *shakes fist at thing*
Don't forget to send me your Kingdom of Loathing name so I can add you to the clan.
vacation after tomorrow! it's on the list! - holly #ravingfangirl
I need to dust off my character in that. - Stephen Mack
Talking about getting matching tattoos with dad. Years ago he was talking about a blue umbrella. Now he wants "Bad Example." I told him I'll get whatever he picks, but blue umbrella's cooler. #johnprine
Key lime pie plays an important role in Kingdom of Loathing.
yeah, they're the only way to get the avatar keys (Boris, Jarlsberg, Sneaky Pete) to persist across ascensions. - RepoRat
Don't worry, Holly. If you forget to sign up soon I'll remind you again - Jason P
I took a gym break this afternoon for the first time in months, literally. I am going to be in such pain tomorrow, but it felt so worth doing.
oh god I hurt - Jason P
The offer stands anytime. I bought the big bottles of 500 tabs at Costco and left one at home and one here. Someday I'll have to buy more, but not any time soon. - ellbeecee
Folks, my wife Anne is doing a survey for her grad school class assignment. If you have ten minutes to take it and/or share on whatever social media, it would really help her out a lot (and thus make my life happier too). https://www.surveymonkey.com/s... Thank you so much.
it asks for "student's full name". what's that? - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Thanks, Meg. I'll let her know. - Jason P
Just gave my guitar teacher a Zotero lesson. He paid me with two six-packs.
Wonderful day bumming around DC. Saw best friend from high school, a dear friend we usually only see at Dragoncon, and had dinner with a cousin I haven't seen in years and forgot how cool she is.
The other night I dreamed I was teaching Benedict Cumberbatch to rollerblade.
How did he do? - Stephen Mack
Eh. - Jason P
New hairs for wedding trip this weekend.
Very nice! - RepoRat
Guy No Longer In Love With Stripper Sues to Get Harry Potter DVDs Back - http://gawker.com/guy-no-...
""I've given him gifts too. You know, how do I get my booty and boobs back?" - Jason P
Marley gets a bath today, because princesses should not be smelly.
Staff member volunteered to do a long, boring, tedious thing that I didn't want to do. Halle-goddamn-lujah.
Just had someone contact me and ask me to set up a Libguides trial for their high school library.
If it had been a company I didn't like, I'd have sent her a password and then expressed bafflement when it didn't work, and then seen how long I could string her along. - Jason P
My guitar teacher is starting grad school for another master's degree. I offered him a Zotero lesson. He said "I'll bring the beer."
Celebrating our wedding anniversary by going go-carting and playing mini golf tomorrow.
happy anniversary! - Sir Shuping is just sir
That sounds like fun. Have a great anniversary. - Anika
My tattoo artist texted me the other day because he noticed something he wants to touch up on my latest piece.
Me and Rachel were just talking about your new ink there, my friend. - Derrick
Wow, awesome relationship you have with your artist - Soup in a TARDIS
Well, he's a friend first and "my tattoo artist" second. We've been friends for over 20 years. - Jason P
Tabletop RPG gaming last night. The closing scene of the night was "dinner with a genteel high society Atlanta grandma." I'm not joking when I say it was the most epic and exciting combat we've had so far in the campaign.
My character left with wounds that will be haunting him for several sessions: "Put in your place" and "Not the right sort of people." - Jason P
I'm trying out a site that's a sort of gamified to-do list to help establish good personal habits. One thing I put on my list is "Get up without hitting snooze," except every single time I read it as "Get up without hitting someone."
they are both admirable goals :) - ~Courtney F
I'm batting about .500 on both. - Jason P
I do both. I hit my snooze and I hit my husband when his alarm goes off because he never wakes to turn it off. - Anika
Three hours under the needle today.
Also had a great lunch with t-ra. - Jason P
dude, it's gorgeous. wow, Ron has mad skills. thanks again for meeting up! - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
This was the most painful tattoo I've ever gotten. I moaned and complained and squirmed the whole time and didn't even look at what he was doing. - Jason P