Jason P

Librarian, podcaster, gamer geek, crimefighter
I'm trying out a site that's a sort of gamified to-do list to help establish good personal habits. One thing I put on my list is "Get up without hitting snooze," except every single time I read it as "Get up without hitting someone."
they are both admirable goals :) - ~Courtney F
I'm batting about .500 on both. - Jason P
I do both. I hit my snooze and I hit my husband when his alarm goes off because he never wakes to turn it off. - Anika
Three hours under the needle today.
Also had a great lunch with t-ra. - Jason P
dude, it's gorgeous. wow, Ron has mad skills. thanks again for meeting up! - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
This was the most painful tattoo I've ever gotten. I moaned and complained and squirmed the whole time and didn't even look at what he was doing. - Jason P
Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Yeah, thanks anyway, Bing. You can go on home.
That looks on par with Tweetdeck's translator. - Anika
New spex
Snazzy - Rodfather
I dig 'em. - Jenny H.
Looking good. - Stephen Mack
Just for fun, I have experimentally attached my Fitbit to a watch fob. #fancy
Tory Burch competition! - Bruce Lewis
I suppose that's better than perched on my bathroom sink. - Derrick
*discreetly checks undergarments* Yep, got mine. - RepoRat
Kushiel's Scion (Imriel's Trilogy, #1) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
One of the dudes at my gaming table over the weekend actually asked me "So, do you get to read a lot at work?"
I hope you shushed him. - Julie Kane
And by shushed I mean stabbed, of course. - Julie Kane
I didn't have to. The GM is a professor at MPOW and responded that (I'm paraphrasing here) his dumb-ass students keep me too busy to read. - Jason P
My friend Serge and I are going over to a friend's place for gaming this evening at 6:30. Serge wanted me to come over to his place at 2:00 to make my character.
We compromised at 3:00. I assured him that that would be plenty of time. - Jason P
POIDH. - laura x
A friend of mine just posted on FB about a Teen Wolf punk band that plays in yellow basketball tops, underwear, and werewolf masks. I MUST SEE THIS SHOW
Professor giving tour to visiting scholar: "And we have our own librarian ... Jason just randomly knows things"
My First Guitar: Tales of True Love and Lost Chords from 70 Legendary Musicians - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
The Grim Company (The Grim Company, #1) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Last night in my dream, someone said to me, "Well, Jesus spoke to me and said [something or other.]" I looked at them seriously, and said "Are you sure it was Jesus? Or was it Batman?"
It's easy to confuse the two. - ellbeecee
Last question from a student in class today was "Did you get those tattoos in Atlanta?" I plugged my (Athens) tattoo artist and said tell him Jason sent you.
I hope you get a free tattoo for your referral. I mean, why not? - Zamms
NICE - Julie Kane
When I watch a concert and I'm like, "Look! look at that Les Paul! It's way nicer than mine but it looks JUST LIKE MINE"
Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
The Alchemist of Souls (Night's Masque, #1) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
My Thai sister answers "a'ight" when I ask her how things are going.
I want to tell her THAI KIDS CAN'T SAY THAT - Jason P
A Visit from the Goon Squad - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Just started The Prestige. I will watch Michael Caine and Christian Bale in anything.
Jackman and Serkis as Americans? - Jason P
My philosopher friend just posted todays SMBC comic strip, which is about identity and transporter technology. I told her to go watch this movie. - DJF
Yesterday kind of kicked my ass, but I had enough xp for an extra life.
Virtual reference from home. No one interrupt me with questions; I'm watching TV.
Can I borrow your stapler? - Katy S
Try "password123" - Jason P
Friend: "I live for weirdness" Me: "Imagine how you'd feel if you were a librarian"
wtf is a vapor bar?
That's not a thing, is it? - Jason P
A lounge where everybody wears petticoats and talks all breathy? - MoTO Boychick Devil