Jason P

Librarian, podcaster, gamer geek, crimefighter
Friend: "I live for weirdness" Me: "Imagine how you'd feel if you were a librarian"
wtf is a vapor bar?
That's not a thing, is it? - Jason P
A lounge where everybody wears petticoats and talks all breathy? - MoTO Boychick Devil
Dammit! I dropped my Fitbit on the way to the train station after work. I walked all the way back to my desk looking for it, and no luck.
:( - RepoRat
There was no room for the area code, but I dropped it downtown in the same area code my cell phone has, so it's possible. But supposedly they'll be sending a replacement when they process my help ticket. - Jason P
Does anyone have an easy/effective way to convert from Goodreads CSV format to something that Zotero can import? Seems like it should be easy, but I haven't found a tool that can do it. Thanks for any ideas.
I've done this from LibraryThing, but no idea about GR. - barbara fister
I could probably write something that would do a quick and dirty job of it. If you have a Mac - DJF
It's not actually for me, David -- it's for a grad student. I was hoping that there was an existing tool out there! I appreciate the offer, though. - Jason P
Snow day again tomorrow.
hoping for another one here as well - Sir Shuping is just sir
me too with my yaktraks! only I haven't found mine yet. :( - t-ra is ugly crying
Already getting emails speculating about tomorrow's classes and appointments being canceled.
betting y'all will be given how messed up the roads still are - Sir Shuping is just sir
That's not a bad idea. I will do that when I make a supply excursion later. - Jason P
The Runes of the Earth (The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, #1) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
What I did this weekend:
Nice work! - ~Courtney F
manly man - lris
Kung Fu movies & beer with best friend.
What is best in life, Conan? ^that - Jason P
Will more coffee help?
That's always my theory. Coffee or Xanax. - laura x
Laura wins. :) - Catherine Pellegrino
Email from professor: "We can't find this movie available online anywhere. Can the library purchase an online version?" ...um.
you have magic powers Jason! didn't you know that? - Sir Shuping is just sir
Spent all afternoon working on the shed in the back yard. My back is completely done in.
Anne is stretched on the couch, Mina is curled on her chest, Calvin has managed to put his ass in both their faces at once.
I'm no longer updating this blog regularly, but if you need to reach me all my contact info is still current. - http://jasonpuckett.net/2014...
Freezing rain on Sunday, below freezing the next day. Could be an extra day off......
are you guys gonna make it?! - holly #ravingfangirl
Anne's already hoping to get out of her dentist appointment. - Jason P
A couple of nights ago I dreamed I was (or maybe was playing, as a character) a biker gang member named Ace Vinyl.
have you been watching too much Red Dwarf? because WHAT A GUY. - RepoRat
How much Red Dwarf is too much, is the obvious followup question - Jason P
i really need to pick that up again, especially now that i can put it on the tv. - holly #ravingfangirl
My friend, at the bar tonight: "Hey, Jason, what was that really funny thing you said earlier?"
Me: "Can you be more specific?" - Jason P
Friend: "Remember, I laughed a lot?" - Jason P
Anne and I are planning interventions for one another.
We're going to hold them in a bar. - Jason P
You better not get preachy. Hey, bring a bottle if you're coming. - Jason P
When I type "love," my phone suggests "me" and "beer"
Let's not tell my shrink - Jason P
Anne has informed me that it's bad luck to clean or do housework on New Year's Day. Except for me scooping the cat boxes, which is good luck.
She's right, you know. - Zamms
Addendum: apparently it will also be good luck for me to go on a beer run. - Jason P
American Hustle was very good. Highly recommended.
I've had a good visit with families, but I'm totally ready to be home tomorrow.
Own cats, own bed, own tv and Xbox and friends. - Jason P
My mom cannot identify any of the several remote controls she's had for years. I'm all ILL BUY YOU SOME LABELS PLEASE LET ME BUY YOU SOME LABELS
Experiencing next-book paralysis.
I have an ipad full of fantasy novels and guitar books. TOO MANY - Jason P
I'm using "soon" rather profligately. - Jason P
Anne is editing a newsletter; I'm drinking beer; mythbusters is background entertainment. Very pleasant. ...well, for me.
"Now, dropping a pig out of a helicopter seems pretty straightforward" - Jason P
Now Anne is knitting and we're watching Always Sunny. - Jason P
I keep telling her I'm the wild card. - Jason P
The high school reunion episode is one of her favorites, since I recently dragged her to mine. - Jason P
I have to resist the urge to spend all of vacation liveblogging Mom. She's hilarious, sometimes intentionally so.
Just the best line: "Let go of my hand! I can't talk." - Jason P
OMG. I forget that being the youngest person in the room can be exhausting sometimes.
Mom's email stopped working on her ipad in August. It was my job to fix it today.
Me: what's your password? - Jason P
She might want to point out that ex-husband is only TWO letters away from husband. - Julie Kane
Recent excellent movies I should maybe watch with the family this week? Profanity is fine, ultra violence won't fly, sci fi is a no go, and while I have an excellent and mature relationship with my mom I'm just not going to be able to watch sex scenes that last more than five seconds with her. (For movies with excellent and extensive sex scenes,
Post them anyway and I'll put them on a different list.) - Jason P
Did you ever watch any of these??? - Mary Carmen