Jason P

Librarian, podcaster, gamer geek, crimefighter
Mom's email stopped working on her ipad in August. It was my job to fix it today.
Me: what's your password? - Jason P
She might want to point out that ex-husband is only TWO letters away from husband. - Julie Kane
Recent excellent movies I should maybe watch with the family this week? Profanity is fine, ultra violence won't fly, sci fi is a no go, and while I have an excellent and mature relationship with my mom I'm just not going to be able to watch sex scenes that last more than five seconds with her. (For movies with excellent and extensive sex scenes,
Post them anyway and I'll put them on a different list.) - Jason P
Did you ever watch any of these??? - Mary Carmen
Time to watch Rare Exports on Netflix. Best Xmas movie or best Xmas movie?
I love Nativity! (1, although I hear 2 is good) which was streaming on Netflix last year but doesn't seem to be this year. It might be as funny as it is to us because of the teacher humor. EDIT: The sequel, Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger is streaming but, again, I've not seen it. - Soup in a TARDIS
Introducing mom to Sherlock. She approves.
the newest bbc version? - Sir Shuping is just sir
LOL sounds like my parents - Soup in a TARDIS
Anne got me a thing so that I can play music from my phone/usb drive/whatever to my car stereo. So happy.
Now I just have to to drill a hole in the dashboard to run cables through! Nothing could go wrong with this. - Jason P
hey, we have to get our entertainment somewhere. - holly #ravingfangirl
Taking this Friday off is the best decision I've made all week.
I decided to take 30 minutes off each remaining day this week - FriendFeedForever
A coworker and I are having an email discussion consisting entirely of Grumpy Cat images.
Eating chili while wearing a light blue shirt just before my reference desk shift. What could go wrong?
It's not a white shirt, so you should be good. - ellbeecee
grown-up bibs. they exist b/c they're necessary. - t-ra is ugly crying
Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground, 1981-1991 - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Main Lines, Blood Feasts, and Bad Taste: A Lester Bangs Reader - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
:) - Eivind
Reluctantly crouched at the starting line - Steve C, Team Marina
I just moved a washer and dryer and painted two walls. I have earned this beer. Possibly also its sibling.
you remind me I need to paint my laundry closet. - Louise "Weezy" Alcorn
I remind lots of people that. - Jason P
The Musician's Way: A Guide to Practice, Performance, and Wellness - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Daron's Guitar Chronicles: Volume Two (Daron's Guitar Chronicles, #2) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
This morning I got in the elevator with one of our ADs, who's also in law school. I asked her if she's ready for break. She mumble/groaned at me "I've still got two exams" and said "Good night" when I got off the elevator.
My friend is about to start watching Firefly for the first time.
sci-fi fantasy soap operas are hard to keep straight. SORRY I AM NO GOOD AT THIS - kendrak
I hate gift shopping for my stepmother. They have enough money that I can't get her anything she *needs* because she already has it; they live in a country where everything's cheap; she doesn't read English-language books for fun.
How about making a donation in her name? - Anika
I actually remembered some music she likes, and she does a lot of driving, so I got her some music. - Jason P
Got my liaison department to cough up some funding for THATcamp I'm organizing in the spring. That feels good.
You go, girl. - Meg VMeg
Help or advice? Student needs circulation/readership numbers for the late 1950s for some major publications like NYT and Life, as well as small newspapers and a couple of broadcast media. We don't have institutional access to auditedmedia.com. Thanks for any ideas!
Do you have market intelligence reports or the like? Might be something in there. Or a thesis done on this topic where someone crunched the numbers already? - Pete's Got To Go
Ulrich's is your best bet for magazines. the Alliance for Audited Media, formerly the Audit Bureau of Circulations, has magazine circulation and newspaper circ, but I don't know how far back. Our online subscription is only 3 years. - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
Drinking from the skull glass that Holly gave us.
I wanna like my own post. Someone like this for me plz - Jason P
I have decided to start collecting ridiculous belt buckles for weekend wear.
You wear pants on the weekend? - laura x
Nah, just a belt. - Jason P
one of the bus boys at cracker barrel had a perfect one for you then. thing was big as a dinner plate - Sir Shuping is just sir
I successfully met my first timed obligation this morning, waking up to let the exterminator in. Now all I have to do is remember to log into VR at one, and I'm off the hook until Monday.
Seventeen minutes to go, then I start cooking. So far my duties have consisted of giving one student the circ desk phone number. - Jason P
my phone just reminded me of vr at 2. I'm pretty sure someone picked up that hour. :p - ellbeecee
Yep. I had to call in to check the schedule, so I know you're covered. - Jason P
Me: "I'm probably leaving early tomorrow; I need to come in because I have a VR hour." Coworker: "You're coming in to work VR? Why don't you just do it from home?" Me: "Because I didn't realize how dumb that was until I said it out loud to you just now."
I sure am working today, you guys. No need to check. WORKING - Jason P
I didn't say anything Mr. Guilty Conscience *blinks innocently* - t-ra is ugly crying
Excellent! - Katy S
It is definitely to be played and enjoyed, though I'm going to get a guitar shop to seal the signature next week when I get paid. It sounds great. It's got some features that are definitely improvements over my old guitar. - Jason P
One more sleep to new guitar.
I love Veep. "The national security adviser is running around like he has eagles coming out of his dick."
"Your idea of crisis management is to run around yelling 'We're fucked!'" - Jason P
"He's been fucking us all every which way." "Speaking of which." - Jason P
My guitar teacher texted me that he'd "burned the shit out of" his hand with hot butter while cooking dinner, so no lesson tonight.
NOT YET it arrives tomorrow - Jason P
Huh. That Burt Walker guy just announced a one-off show in Atlanta in three weeks. How about that?
SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP - holly #ravingfangirl
So, if I decided to go to that, that'd make *three* BW shows I've been to. I wonder how many shows Holly has seen? - Jason P
She just emailed you cut eye. - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
ಠ_ಠ x a billionty. - holly #ravingfangirl