Jason P

Librarian, podcaster, gamer geek, crimefighter
My guitar teacher texted me that he'd "burned the shit out of" his hand with hot butter while cooking dinner, so no lesson tonight.
NOT YET it arrives tomorrow - Jason P
Huh. That Burt Walker guy just announced a one-off show in Atlanta in three weeks. How about that?
SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP - holly #ravingfangirl
So, if I decided to go to that, that'd make *three* BW shows I've been to. I wonder how many shows Holly has seen? - Jason P
She just emailed you cut eye. - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
ಠ_ಠ x a billionty. - holly #ravingfangirl
The guitar is leaving Hodgkins IL today, for those keeping track
Prof just walked past my office talking to a grad student: "Yeah I don't want you naked in my office. -- Hey Jason, c'mere a minute." Me: "Sure. I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that last thing you said." Prof: "Thanks! Good call."
Sober in a Nightclub: How sweet. - http://www.soberinanightclub.com/2013...
I should know better than to call my mom and not leave a message. She sees the missed call and gets worried, and I can't take her callback right now since I'm on the refdesk.
(And she had texting blocked on her phone a couple of years ago because it confused her and cost her money.) - Jason P
So this just happened.
Well now. - Zamms
Yeah, I really like the new edition a lot. Let me know if you're playing on 360 and we can score chase. - Jason P
Veep is hilarious. "Why are we talking about noodles?" "Let me rephrase that: why the fuck are we talking about noodles?"
Slimed!: An Oral History of Nickelodeon's Golden Age - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
Mom just called; she found some slippers on sale while Xmas shopping and wanted to know if I thought they'd fit my FIL. Me: Mom, maybe my MIL would have a better idea of his shoe size than me? Mom: Oh! I didn't think of that.
Unfortunately she used her last bit of battery life calling me at work. - Jason P
Email from student: "Mr. Puckett, After a failing try with the research librarian I have been given your information. I cannot seem to find information on two communication theories no matter how hard I try and was hoping you might be able to help me." Does not tell me what theories. STUDENTS. YOU ARE KILLING ME TODAY.
pick your favorites! ;) - ellbeecee
*slack student fistbump* - RepoRat
I've emailed this student instructions for how to do a very simple thing in Zotero at least three times. She doesn't get it, so she wants to stop by my office hours today. Sure, fine. I'm now making a bet with myself that she's going to come to the wrong place despite our email conversation yesterday about where I hold office hours.
How did one of my students get in contact with you? - Derrick
When I wrote back to her, I highlighted the part of my previous email where I gave her the address and room number. I hope that wasn't a dick move, but her aggressive cluelessness got to me a bit. - Jason P
Email from grad student wanting help: "I was told that you could be the light in the end of the tunnel." Boy, is she optimistic. Prepare for disappointment, lady....
"I am the light. I am the flamethrower" - Pete's Got To Go
Jason, I bet you WILL be the light at the end of her tunnel - even if it's only a flashlight. :-) Derrick - tell them you practice library magic. - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
Dumpstaphunk. Whoa man.
Yeah, man. - Derrick
Day off tomorrow, so it's a good night to sit up until midnight watching a rockumentary with a beer. I'm pausing periodically to play whichever Lou Reed song my brain demands Right Now.
By the way, it's Sound City. Rock geeks, you'll like it. Holy shit, Tom Petty has a guitar collection. - Jason P
Over the closing credits they're asking all the famous musicians the name of their first band. Frank Black says "uh, the Pixies." - Jason P
Just gutted to hear about Lou Reed's death. My favorite musician for 30 years.
Yep. - Meg VMeg
Sweet Jane. :( - Christa
Dear person in my workshop, this is the beginning of week 4 of 4. You just posted for the first time and turned in the week 1 assignment. I will strangle you now. Thank you. Love, Jason.
Other person who emailed me today to ask me if you can catch up after not participating for three weeks, I hate you equally as much. I will destroy you also. - Jason P
what's worked for me in my XML/LD cont-ed course is stating "this course takes minimum 6 hours of work per week; please commit to that." People drop. It's fine by me. - RepoRat
Well, I have no face now. Guitar Wolf just rocked it right the fuck off.
That was seriously a one of a kind rock show. The frontman hauled a drunk audience member up on stage and gave him the guitar. They spent fifteen minutes literally wrestling over possession of the guitar. - Jason P
Email from a prof who wants to export her Refworks library to Zotero -- but no longer has access to Refworks. Um. I can see at least one potential problem here.
Might still be able to get it...RefWorks help desk has been pretty good about mucking around in the archives. - Hedgehog
Oh, good. I already told her to check with them and see if it's possible. - Jason P
I had this idea this morning: if I were going to open a store catering to stoners who like old video games, I'd call it Sonic the Headshop.
Might've been before I had my coffee. - Jason P
The Comm department is laying on the love pretty thick today. This is how you get me to do more office hours.
Email from professor to me began: "Hi, Theresa." It took me half a day to realize that was an autocorrect and not a misdirected email.
So Jordan, are you going to change your name to Theresa now? - Catherine Pellegrino
Damn -- I just answered this email and forgot to sign it "Theresa" - Jason P
Theresa Janson Pickett? *makes note* - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
Devil Said Bang (Sandman Slim, #4) - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
In the last day, two people I know have asked me if I'd post Google reviews for their businesses. Apparently you have to have a Google+ account to do that, and I deleted mine a couple of months ago.
OH: "Oh, tu parles francais?" "Um, that was Spanish I was speaking."
Oh, mais oui! Tu parle espagnol? - Stephen Mack
Parle-vous espangol? - DJF
So, I was at the grocery store today and they're doing some remodeling and construction. One of the contractors' manager types, a guy in his sixties, catches my eye and says, "hey, your shirt says Butch Walker? My son used to be his drummer." So we chatted about that for a minute. Nbd.
dude. ATL is a smaaaaall town sometimes. - holly #ravingfangirl
Room 237, currently on Netflix, is insane and lots of fun.
I'm looking forward to watching that later this week. - Jennifer Dittrich
Caller at the ref desk wanting me to find the Facebook customer service number. When I pointed out that he was talking to a university library (to make sure he knew what number he had called), he got snippy and told me this is what he pays taxes for. Then he wanted me to email Facebook and tell them that someone had "hacked" his password.
I told him no, that's not a service we offer. - Jason P
Why aren't you being that dude's personal secretary? He pays taxes! - Anika
Night Sweats: An Unexpected Pregnancy - http://www.goodreads.com/review...
PhD student seeing my sleeve tattoo for the first time: "Are you going to keep those forever?"
Their on loan waiting to be recalled - FriendFeedForever
I'm cutting 20% of mine due to the sequester. - Jason
They only get 26 views and then they disappear. - Julie Kane
I'm calling it: Julie wins this thread. - Jason P