Welcome to the family, Leon.
awwwww! hi sweetie! - RepoRat
He's about nine weeks old and early signs indicate that he and Calvin may get on famously. - Jason P
Marley couldn't give a shit. He strode in and stole part of her dinner and she didn't even look up at him. She's seen 'em come and go. - Jason P
He's adorable - such unique coloring! - Laura
What a cutie! - Galadriel C.
Cute, but he looks like he may be an advance scout for the Alien Cat Invasion. Something about the eyes ... - MoTO Boychick Devil
Odds are good he'll darken up a bit as he grows, which will make his coloring even more striking. - RepoRat
EARS. omg the ears! - Catherine Pellegrino
I love the super black nose - Hedgehog
and toe beans! - RepoRat
I LOVE HIM. - Starmama
We're gonna need this many pictures every day. You know that, right? - RepoRat
He and Calvin are becoming buddies. It's amazing to watch. - Jason P
Is he a Maine Coon? Cause he has a big M on his little forehead. And he will be a substantial cat. - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
He could have some MC blood, Maurice. (He's a shelter mutt, so who knows.) We're going on the theory that he might be a Siamese/tabby mix, given his points and the stripes on his face, and the blue in his eyes, but he definitely doesn't have the Siamese voice. I think he may be a big guy too. He eats like a horse. - Jason P
Siamese tabby all the way. He looks just like my friend Sarah's cat did, as a kitten, and we know she was a S/T mix. He also has that slight cross-eyed look that siamese cats get. Miles has it, too. ;) - Jenica
oh em gee the cute! cannot stand! - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
He's very outgoing but still often shy about being petted or picked up. Yesterday I caught him napping, picked him up to cuddle him, and he went "eeeeeeEEEEeeee hey this is okay PURRRRRRRRRRR", so I have high hopes that he's going to end up being very sociable. He follows Calvin around the house wanting to play now, and Cal seems to like it. - Jason P
It takes a few days before they get over OMG UNFAMILIAR PLACE. He's gonna be just fine. - RepoRat
Oh, totally. He was in "high-speed exploring mode" almost immediately. No fear. - Jason P
ADORABLE - Mary Carmen