
"Bitch, stop taking the glaze."
*casually throws shade at the poor grammar and writing ability of the candidates' letter writing recommenders*
Finding good people is so hard, y'all. Lord have mercy. - Derrick
that's because, outside academia, reference *letters* don't usually happen. i can only get such letters now because i work in academia and they actually know what i'm talking about. - henry
Snow? Okay. Okay, winter. #shade
ಠ_ಠ - Zamms
I brought a guy I met casually a few months back to a standing monthly brunch thing with friends hoping it might spark something, but ended up meeting someone there I *really* liked and well I guess me and the first guy can be friends. #womp
I thought I was already an expert in brunch, but moving to DC has forced me to level up my brunch game. - Derrick
RECORD STORE DAY - SpecialRelease -
"Butch Walker End Of The World (One More Time) / Battle vs. The War DETAILS Format: 10" Vinyl Label: Dangerbird Release type: RSD Exclusive Release More Info: Two new, exclusive tracks" - Derrick
Baked oatmeal people: Looking at a couple recipes online. What's your method? There's one where you mix up the dry ingredients in one bowl, the wet in another, combine and bake. Another where you basically do the same but let it sit in the icebox overnight and then bake. Thoughts? Impressions? Tweaks?
How about flapjacks (the British kind, not the US kind) They are yummy! Lots of recipes for them around, depending on what you're looking for. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I tasted just a piece of it last night when I pulled it out of the oven. I know it's good! - Derrick
Kinda sorta, grits and grillades. -
Hahaha was this cause of my Disney Spirit Animal quiz? Hahahaha - Shevonne
This is a thing I am struggling with in teaching. I want to take evals and similar feedback seriously, but holy $DEITY I do not even want to READ THE DAMNED THINGS because such a large percentage are so pointlessly nasty and unconstructive, and such a large percentage of the remainder are so disconnected from what an actual human being can realistically accomplish. Days I wonder if students even realize that I am human. - RepoRat
Can you retrain yourself to change you eating habits? I can skip breakfast, eat a light lunch and then at like 8pm eat like a member of the Night Watch on Game of Thrones. o_O I'd love to start the day with breakfast being my largest meal and then pace myself with smaller meals through the rest of the day, maybe eating a total of 5 or 6 times.
Wondering if anyone has had any success with this method of eating. - Derrick
A PBJ sandwich for breakfast has been serving my skinny daughter well for years. It's quick and easy to make, and high in protein. It's also good for curbing your appetite. Another breakfast food she reaches for on occasion, especially in winter, is slow cooked oatmeal. Stay away from quick oats or the instant stuff in the packets...metabolizes too fast and leaves you hungry shortly after eating it. The longer it takes to cook the oatmeal, the longer you will feel full. Steel cut oats are the best, but cost more than the old fashioned oats. For my hubby, who is an ex-smoker turned major snacker (he never broke the hand-to-mouth habit) and a diabetic (because he damn near ate himself to death), I make sure there are plenty of fresh low carb veggies in the house for him to snack on whenever he wants...cucumbers, lettuce, celery, raw spinach, mushrooms, etc. That way he is consuming something with very few calories/carbs between meals and at night when he's watching tv. He's 5' 2" and used to weigh 220 lbs. Now he's 132 lbs, which is about where he should be, and he dropped that weight rather fast, because he was also eating leaner meats, because of me (I had issues with gall stones and couldn't eat that much fat). - April Russo (FForever!)
Teaching two classes today, 1) a basic comm. writing class and 2) a research comm. incorporating data and demographics, etc. Was freaked out about the research class but knew it was the second and later class. Went to the first class...IT WAS THE RESEARCH CLASS. Welp. Recovered nicely and handled it well though I was thrown off.
And after the class, two students came up to me and wanted to talk about becoming a librarian so we're grabbing coffee next week. "Librarians are so good about thinking on their feet!" - Derrick
Simmons is o_O. I spent several hours last week and this, working on, for example, crosstabbing males, 21-34, who drink Gatorade, and play video games between 11pm and 6am and the likelihood of whether they use iPhone or Android mobile devices. x_x - Derrick
Exercising considerable restraint.
People be testing me! - Derrick
Knowing how much butter is in my biscuit recipe, it almost feels indulgent to put more butter on them when actually eating them, but OH WELL.
you do what feels right. - holly #ravingfangirl
What Mo said. Yum...biscuits. - Louise "Weezy" Alcorn
Search committee conference call from home because of the snow day. I realize there's a level of nervousness because interview, but the rambling and...not answering the question? Mercy. *scribbles notes*
Yeah, phone interviews can bring out the rambling because of lack of visual cues. But some are just bad at answering questions! - Kirsten loves you
Skype is huge and awesome; when I initially interviewed here, it was via Skype. Today we were blindsided by the storm so this was a back up figured out just a few hours prior to our first interview. We don't all have our work machines at home with us, others had kids and pets running around that we all couldn't necessarily corral, so this ended up working pretty well, considering we all planned to be in the office today. - Derrick
Dang, holly has influenced me to watch the Thor sequel today. Next thing you know, I'll be carrying on about how much I love pie and Butch Walker. o_O
*struts through your feed*
+thinks to myself+ he's bringing sexy back. - VALZONE#SCREWED
*tummy bumps D-Love* - Ell Bee, See?
Look who I ran into!
Jealous^3! - Jenny H.
Work it (longer) make it (better) do it (faster) makes us (stronger) more than ever (hour) after (our) work is (never over). #CHAIRDANCE
"1...or 2? 1...or 2?" #eyedoctor
Better? Worse? I did that a few weeks ago. LOL. - Trish R
I always start laughing because I'm so amazed when I can see things so much more clearly. It's miraculous. - Derrick
Yes. - Marianne
Watching Netflix on the Wii U is kinda cool.
I watch it on my regular Wii because it keeps a better connection to the internet than my Blu-Ray player. - Katie
A lot of my time on Netflix is trying to find something to watch. I like that I can browse for something to watch on the gamepad while something else is on the TV. Then when I'm ready, I'll use the built in TV remote to switch the TV input to the Wii U. - Rodfather
I used my PS3 before since it was my blu ray player but I don't watch a lot of actual discs much any more. - Derrick
Oy, I've worked as much today as I do when I'm in the office. *logs off work email finally*
WELP. Found some sausage. Think I'll make a quiche, since I won't be going to work tomorrow.
And I think that sausage was dodgy. Tossed it. Considering now using bacon w/ tomato AND potato and broccoli (and some cheeses of course). - Derrick
Yeah, well. - Derrick
I know I've seen this get talked about here, but now that I'm actually on a search committee for a new librarian hire, I'm a little o_O at what people submit when they apply for the position.
For example, when I was looking at jobs, I really relished the idea of the cover letter as an opportunity to talk about myself, my background, my experiences and why i wanted the job and what I could bring to the position. It might've spanned a couple pages. I'm seeing half page cover letters that don't really say anything you couldn't deduce from looking at their resume. It's...interesting. - Derrick
Just saw that NMRT Resume Review Service is recruiting for Annual: "volunteer to greet participants, and/or review resumes and cover letters of those who are undergoing a job search in this challenging economic climate." Or, as I'm thinking of it, help cut down on the o_O - Regular Amanda
Pancakes? Pancakes.
No question about pancakes. Because pancakes. - Julian
I was actually thinking about making one or the other tonight. After shoveling snow, I'll have earned it. - Katy S
I almost feel like going through FF search and bumping every pic of carne asada fries/chips, but I won't. Just know that I was thinking pretty hard about it.
haha, 'D' bags
I mostly think monogrammed things are kind of douchey and whatnot, but y'all know I love me some LL Bean, right? So, yeah. Fight me. haha. - Derrick
My mom had a bunch when we were growing up. I think I got nostalgic, but they're great for hauling groceries. - Derrick
I might've got drunk at brunch with Shevonne today. Might've.
You accidentally? - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
haha, 'D' bag. - Derrick
Hrm, I see a lot of my brother and my father in this pic of me. That's...interesting. - Derrick
Well I guess I'll get my hair cut in the next couple days too.
joooooooooin uuuuuuuuuuuuuuus - RepoRat
lol i scheduled mine after Marie's post reminded me :) - ~Courtney F
If you'd told me four years ago that I'd be a librarian, and living in Washington DC (after living in New Orleans for three years), I'd ask you where on Earth did you get that crack you were smoking.
I'm very happy being a librarian, and living in DC, btw. - Derrick
:) - Hedgehog
Having to attend to things campus wide, committee work, ALA stuff, etc. in addition to my primary duties is new and challenging. Not overwhelming (yet), but much more to handle and stay on top of then just jetting off to the ref desk after class.
I feel a disturbance in the, someone's...missing their mate.
Shantay, that sock stays! - Zamms
Real sock realness. - Derrick
There will soon be a reunion. - Derrick