
"Bitch, stop taking the glaze."
Having to attend to things campus wide, committee work, ALA stuff, etc. in addition to my primary duties is new and challenging. Not overwhelming (yet), but much more to handle and stay on top of then just jetting off to the ref desk after class.
I feel a disturbance in the, someone's...missing their mate.
Shantay, that sock stays! - Zamms
Real sock realness. - Derrick
There will soon be a reunion. - Derrick
It took ALL DAY LONG and was not without obstacle, but I now have a humidifier and I hope it helps with this awful state of Winter Cold. *achoo!*
Effin' red and white bullseye. - Zamms
I threw congested shade all up and down 14th St. - Derrick
they do help. I was having bad trouble sleeping until we plugged ours in. - RepoRat
Cool. My throat has been SO dry, and I felt my worst when trying to go to sleep and upon waking. Looking forward to some relief. - Derrick
I photographed my biscuit process, haha. #rodfather
The complete set is on my flickr page. Also, that's a lot of gotdang butter. - Derrick
*breathless* - MoTO Boychick Devil
Due to the wintry mix falling in the DC metro area right now, I will make another batch (or two!) of buttermilk biscuits.
Butter in the freezer to firm up before grating! - Derrick
I only started making biscuits in the last six months and I love it. So simple with ingredients I usually have on hand: flour, baking powder/soda, salt, butter, buttermilk. The technique can be a little tricky, but it's worth it! - Derrick
Landlord came home and shoveled the walk. Oh well.
Bourbon Cough Syrup for Grownups -
"It's basically hot bourbon and lemon juice, with a heaping helping of honey. I cut it with a bit of water, too, but that's optional. It's an easy nightcap, steaming and warm, with a stiff shot of booze to put you to sleep, lemon for Vitamin C, and all that sweet honey to make it go down easy." - Derrick
Jason, why wait? - DJF
I was hoping I had enough milk, though I'm happier about finding a stash of lemongrass and green tea, because sick.
I mean, I don't like the sick part, but you do have that bourbon cough syrup recipe too. - Zamms
this book has all sorts of bourbon cough syrup recipes. #OnlySortOfKidding Tieraona Low Dog, MD: Healthy at Home - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
I might need shoveling lessons. My landlord, who's done it so far this winter, is out of town.
lift with your legs - jambina
If it looks like it's going to be deep, don't wait till it's over to get started. Take advantage of lulls and start shoveling. Especially with wet, heavy snow, it's better to do it in stages rather than all at once. Also, it keeps people from trampling on it. - bentley
Had a vendor give me a price quote...that happened to be the wrong price, but works in the library's favor to the tune of a $5K savings. I think I'll go with the database.
was that in writing? - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
We have excellent people that handle all of that stuff actually, so I'm more than happy to bow at their prowess in dealing directly with our vendors. - Derrick
Lord have mercy, I'm using SharePoint.
Resistance is futile - maʀtha
Parts and parts and parts and parts and - Eric @ CS Techcast
Cross-Country Job Searching : An Interview with Derrick Jefferson | INALJ -
O HAI. I forgot I did this interview with Caitlin at Midwinter and my twitter feed started blowing up this morning after it was published. - Derrick
you're the best :) - Caitlin
I love that I made this big ass pitcher of margaritas for the game tonight like I ain't gotta be in the office tomorrow at 8am.
Finish it before the half and you'll be FINE. - Zamms
I have a chips and dips hangover today. - Laura Norvig
I love Zamms' new avatar. That's all.
Well Zamms has great hair. *puts on Bona Drag* - Derrick
years of practice, my friend. I've worked in libraries a long time. - Zamms
Being wined and dined at the conference. #turntup
Red wine is awesome; FREE red wine? Girl, bye. - Derrick
We cute.
<3 - jambina
Fuuuun! - Soup in a TARDIS
Did you check out the computer sandwich builder? It's fun. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Welcome to the Wa! - Great Scott!
I saw Wawa for the first time last night and thought about Jim.
Surely I'm not the only one who snickers over the name Sheetz. And for the record, Turkey Hill ice cream is great, the stores, ehhh. - Corinne L
Adding Delaware and Pennsylvania to my list of new-to-me states.
Yes. :) - Derrick
You'll have to check out the eastern shore of MD and the DE beaches when it's warmer. Lots of fun places to visit. I'm actually working on a trip back east for late spring so maybe we can do a mini road trip to the beach! - Corinne L
I was eyerolling because of the hassle, closures, traffic, and hullabaloo about it, but the snow, at least today when it's bright and sunny (and hovering around 0° with the wind chill), is really quite beautiful.
Snow days are REAL.
Perhaps it will actually snow. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Untitled | Flickr - Photo Sharing! -
Statue from Easter Island. - Derrick
He's all "mum's the word" while I am dying to hear his story! - Eivind
The picture doesn't really reveal just how large in scale "he" is. Fascinating. - Derrick
Untitled | Flickr - Photo Sharing! -
Feet of the extinct Moa bird from New Zealand. - Derrick
As they say, "They are extinct because there are no Moa." - Ell Bee, See?
Ma'am. - Derrick
(I just read that recently. Heh.) - Ell Bee, See?
I went to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum today and the whole time I was thinking how cool it would be to see all the exhibits with John (bird whisperer).
I feel like he could probably provide a lot of insight. :) - Derrick
Obligatory work from home dance break to J.Lo's "Love Don't Cost a Thing" before returning emails. BRB
I should work from home more often. Maybe on days where I don't have to teach or am besieged with hellafied meetings.
It is pretty nice, but you have to stay focused. (And by you, I mean me.) - Zamms
Right now it's a lot of email and scheduling classes for the semester, etc. but it's a light day. Everyone's Polar Vortex'ed out, the students are still out for another week, and my comm faculty aren't back yet because the new building is still under construction, kinda sorta. But I hear you, Herr Zamms! - Derrick
Recipe: Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Soup -
This soup requires little prep work for the amount of flavor it yields: I started with my favorite red enchilada sauce as the base; it's so easy but packs in tons of flavor, way more than your average canned stuff. I tossed the sauce into my slow cooker along with corn, beans, and chicken thighs, then left it overnight to work all of its magical slow cooker powers. By morning I had a luscious soup that needed little more than salt and pepper to give it a boost. (Of course, if you feel like gilding the lily, a splash of heavy cream and a handful of cheddar take this recipe over the top!) - Derrick
Got all my stuff for the soup! Will go into the slow cooker in the morning. #copycat
Whatchoo cookin'. - Akiva
Found it. Thanks! - Akiva
Welp, I guess I'll make this soup...
errybody's doing it... - holly #ravingfangirl
I already ate it. - Louis Gray
I blame you for the soup I am about to make, D - Soup in a TARDIS
LOL, that one thread. Y'all are doing the most this morning. I'm going to resume ESPN because football playoffs though.
which thread? - Sir Shuping is just sir
I just looked up freezing rain, sleet, wintry mix, and ice pellets to discern the differences amongst them all and have decided that this is perfect pancake weather.
That's all you really need to know. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Bastard cold as we refer to it. - Pete&#39;s Got To Go
This game is buh-nanas.
I tell you what, I was surely entertained. - Derrick