Snow days are REAL.
Perhaps it will actually snow. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
As someone who is new to snow, I'm kind of over it. All it does is cause problems and shuts everything down. - Derrick
I don't mind when it shuts things down. I mind when you have to go work anyway. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I think snow in a non winter climate would make me nuts, for that reason. Here? It's just a thing that happens. - Jenica
DC is weird because it gets snow often enough that it should be prepared for it, but not often enough for it to be prepared for it. It's like it forgets how to handle snow every single time it does. - Zamms
DC and Baltimore always blow the snow removal budget on the first snow and then get blasted by the real thing later in the winter. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I don't doubt that snow and lots of it can be exciting for snow lovers and a bit of a pain logistically for it's detractors, but DC weather people and a lot of the residents go crazy when snow is on the horizon. It is exactly what Zamms said and I just want everyone to take a dose of cat tranquilizers. - Derrick
Ha! Maybe you can make it snow cat tranquilizers? - Jenica
:) - Derrick
Snow is fun and a novelty for people like me living in a place where it snows once every 4-5 years for an hour. Or it's fun when you're visiting somewhere and get to see the snow, and then leave. I know I'd feel much differently if I had to live there. It's annoying and very dangerous. - Trish R
I disagree -- when you live somewhere that it snows regularly, there's nothing dangerous about it, because municipalities are appropriately prepared to clear the snow, and people don't freak out about it. It's just part of life. It's only dangerous when people get all OMGSNOWMAGEDDON about it. - Jenica
When I lived in NOVA, they closed the schools for one inch of snow because, I was told, they're in the South and it doesn't snow in the South. - bentley
DC is SO OMGSNOWMAGEDDON about it. I guess there hasn't been much snow here since the last Snowmageddon. - Derrick
LOL Derrick -- I think DC may we worse than Atlanta! :) - LoisMarketing
I guess that shows how much I know about snow. I've been deceived into thinking these weather situations are dangerous. Nevermind. Have fun and enjoy your snow days! - Trish R
It's started! - Derrick
Enjoy! Ignore the fearmongering weather dudes! :) - Jenica
while I don't miss winters further north, I do have very sweet memories of snow days in Baltimore spent treking around in the quiet blanket of the neighborhood to gather at whomever's pad with a fireplace. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
We have some laying NE of Baltimore County with more a coming. When I was living in nyc a dozen or so years ago, we had about 12 inches of snow and my wife was shocked that they opened schools on time the next day. - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
Snow days when you are a kid are pure magic. Sledding, hot chocolate, no school, snowmen, snowball fights. Then, once you grow up, just move to California like I did. - Laura Norvig