I might need shoveling lessons. My landlord, who's done it so far this winter, is out of town.
lift with your legs - jambina
^This. And, like voting in Chicago, it should be done early and often. - Katy S
If the snow is really deep and soggy, don't try to shovel from the bottom - go in layers. Also don't pile it on a storm grate or you can get flooding when it melts. - Jennifer Dittrich
I'm happy our yard, walk way, and sidewalk are rather diminutive. I think I can handle carving out a path so we can get in and out. - Derrick
Yes - this snow is expected to be much wetter and heavier than previous. Don't try to scrape all the snow from the sidewalk and lift it. Take off a level at a time. Spray the shovel with Pam if the snow sticks to it. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
If you have a hydrant, don't forget to clear the area around it. - Katy S
Remember to make a path for the mailman. One of my neighbors only shovels one short path from her front door to her car and that's all. Grrrrr. - bentley
ProTip: Find a kid you can pay to do it. - Kevin (aka ThreadKilla)
Everyone is right! - Zamms
Not really relevant to your situation (heavy wet snow), but I've learned to throw the snow downwind: one, it doesn't blow back in your face; and two, it's less likely to blow back down into the canyon you're gradually carving out. - Catherine Pellegrino
Try to do it as soon as possible after the storm ends, before it has a chance to freeze or get trampled down. (It will be harder to clear if that happens.) If you can, try to shovel the whole width of the sidewalk and make sure meltwater has a place to run off so that it doesn't pool and freeze on the sidewalk. - John (bird whisperer)
Thanks, y'all. Plotting my strategy... - Derrick
Be sure to have warm drinks at the ready for when you're done. - Zamms
^This, too, is very wise. - Katy S
yes to all of the above. AND - try to shovel BEFORE you step in the snow - that is, shovel in front of you - or you'll have shoe-shaped ice spots that WON"T THAW TIL SPRING. #HasHappened - Stephan!eā€¢CogSc!L!brar!an
If you remember where your drain is, clear that as best you can so when things thaw it won't flood as much. - Hedgehog
If it looks like it's going to be deep, don't wait till it's over to get started. Take advantage of lulls and start shoveling. Especially with wet, heavy snow, it's better to do it in stages rather than all at once. Also, it keeps people from trampling on it. - bentley