I photographed my biscuit process, haha. #rodfather
The complete set is on my flickr page. Also, that's a lot of gotdang butter. - Derrick
or, as we say, "enough" - Glen Campbell
Yum! - Anne Bouey
Super Yum! - Katy S
I made a batch yesterday and this one today and all but about three are in the freezer for will call noms. Especially now that I picked up some bacon. And cheese. >.> - Derrick
What recipe are you using again? - Katie
I looked at maybe a half dozen different recipes and stole what I liked from each, and then tweaked that a couple more times to test and prove it. - Derrick
Those always turn out to be the best :D - Katie
Agreed! - Derrick
A great tip I learned from one of them was freezing the butter then grating it on a box grater. That way you don't have to cut it into tiny "pea size" pieces with your fingers. Also, placing the dry ingredients with the butter in the freezer for a few minutes to keep the chill on any heat worked up while prepping. - Derrick
Yes, Derrick, that butter tip has helped me a lot when making scones. It's so simple but really makes things flow better. - Gabrielle
heh, I refrigerate my whole-wheat flour on general principles. it does help in this situation! - RepoRat
dammit, i forgot to get buttermilk at the store today. *adds to list for tomorrow* - holly #ravingfangirl
Oooooooh - Soup in a TARDIS
Yoli, do you see that biscuit cutter? :P - Derrick
I do! Also, I'm hungry! - Yolanda
why am i looking at all these pics when i am starving? NOT SMRT. - holly #ravingfangirl
Want. - Jenica
*breathless* - MoTO Boychick Devil