Due to the wintry mix falling in the DC metro area right now, I will make another batch (or two!) of buttermilk biscuits.
Butter in the freezer to firm up before grating! - Derrick
Can you get through that many biscuits? Or can you freeze them? - Soup in a TARDIS
Oh, for the freezer, for sure. I usually make 9-10 from each batch (though I made some yesterday and ate three!). - Derrick
Oooh, that's good to know. My entire understand of buttermilk biscuits is the buttermilk-flavored ones in the tube from Pilsbury. *fails* - Soup in a TARDIS
I might just join you in biscuit-making; finished the last of the last batch yesterday. Might do bread instead, though. This morning was the last subzero one we'll get for a good while. - RepoRat
I just use Bisquick. That way I can have biscuits or coffeecake or pancakes or whatever without fancy supplies. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Thank you! You just reminded me that I was thinking about making biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast on Monday, and that means I need to start thawing the sausage now. - Catherine Pellegrino
I only started making biscuits in the last six months and I love it. So simple with ingredients I usually have on hand: flour, baking powder/soda, salt, butter, buttermilk. The technique can be a little tricky, but it's worth it! - Derrick