Of course the net on campus dies right when I begin showing a class how to use the databases. Of course.
Congratulations. You're officially a librarian. - DJF
I sho nuff started using the dry erase markers and white board, though. - Derrick
Could have been worse. There's a war story here at MPOW about the librarian who was giving a database class and the vendor changed the user interface for the database right in the middle of her class. - DJF
Oh damn. - Derrick
(Is this where I say "I'm old enough to remember preparing powerpoints with screenshots for every instruction session, just for this eventuality"?) anyway, D, I'm sure you handled it with aplomb. - Catherine Pellegrino
Yeah, PubMed did that to a colleague of mine a couple years ago (interface update during class) - Hedgehog
I was able to sketch things out. This is a college writing class (think Eng 101) but the professor does everything with a true crime slant to it, so researching how to find things in anthologies, longform journalism on things like Jon Benet, Leopold and Loeb, OJ, etc. and how it was covered in the media and press. - Derrick
Training achievement unlocked! - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
level up. - Back to just Joe
And we're done. It came back up maybe halfway through the class and a few students had questions in their "on their own" time for the rest of the session. Oof. - Derrick