damn, boo, I thought you were a lot younger than me! *41 fistbump* - RepoRat
whippersnappers :D - Pete's Got To Go
lookin' sharp! - ~Courtney F
is it your birthday? - maʀtha
oh there u r.. long time no see !! Looking snazzy bro - Peter Dawson
you make that look hella good, boo. ahem. Have an awesome day!!! - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
You make it look damn good. - Jenny H.
Looks good on ya! You show that number who BAWSE! - CAJ was here
Happy birthday Luv! - Starmama
Happy birthday!! - lris
Happy Birthday! - Rodfather
Happy Birthday, D! - vicster.
Many happy returns! - Catherine Pellegrino
Happeh burday Derrick! - Lily
happy birthday - chamberlainn
Lookin' good, D. Happy birthday!! - Laura
Oh, bless your happy face! - Glen Campbell
Happy birthday, D! - Anne Bouey
You look great! Happy Birthday! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Happy birthday. - Eric @ CS Techcast
They're so cute at that age. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Have a great prime number year. - Back to just Joe
Happy birthday! - Jim #teamFFrank
Happy Birthday Derrick!!!! - VALZONE#SCREWED
Have a wonderful birthday!! - Katy S
Happy birthday, ho. <3 - Moniqua
Happy Birthday! - Aloof Schipperke
Happy Birthday, D. - MoTO Boychick Devil
Hope you're having a wonderful day. Happy Birthday! - Trish R
Happy birthday D!! - Corinne L
Happy D birthday! - Stephen Mack
Buon compleanno! - ωαřмaiden ❤Bassetmom❤
Happy birthday!! - Yolanda
Happy birthday! Hope it is a great one :D - Jennifer Dittrich
:) Happiest of birthdays, Derrick! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Thanks everyone! Your kind thoughts and wishes mean the world to me. Sending kindness and good will right back atcha. :) - Derrick
Another 41 fist bump - Christina Pikas