
Bon mots and random thoughts. Geek magnifique.
Today's topic for English class was "on the other hand" and OMG THEY GET IT NOW.
Wielding firecrackers, monkey-chasers to start work on Monday in Gukeng - Taipei Times -
"Yunlin County has recruited and trained seven people to chase monkeys away from farms in the county, which has a large population of Formosan macaques. The seven, selected from more than 30 applicants, are to soon begin work in the mountains of Gukeng Township (古坑). Their primary tactic is to employ firecrackers to deter the primates. It is better to use firecrackers to scare off the animals than to erect electrified fencing or adopt sterilization to reduce their numbers, the township administration said. The administration said the job of “monkey-chaser” is more difficult than it may seem and that most recruits are older farmers, although it also received applications from young people with college degrees." - Jessie
S.F. man’s winning robbery defense: Entered home to board spacecraft - SFGate -
"A 41-year-old San Francisco man was acquitted of robbery and other felonies after telling a jury he entered a Mission District home only because a methamphetamine-fueled psychosis led him to believe he needed to board a spaceship to flee the imminent destruction of the earth, the public defender’s office said Wednesday. Santino Aviles was acquitted Monday of robbery, attempted robbery, assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury and battery with serious bodily injury, his attorneys said. He was convicted of misdemeanor battery and assault, while the jury couldn’t agree on a burglary charge." - Jessie
Entire cabin stolen off foundation, baffling owner - - April 8, 2015 -
"When Chris Hempel returned to her family’s rural property and found the gate’s lock cut, she was expecting to find thieves had broken into their cabin. What she didn’t count on was finding the entire cabin missing. “We drove up to the cabin and the cabin was gone, it was just an empty hole where it used to sit,” she said. Hempel, her husband, and their two children have owned property just outside of Springdale for about four years, and say the forest is a perfect place to hunt, relax and get away from work on the weekends. They visit their cabin about every two weeks, but returned on April 7 to find the structure missing – stolen off its foundation. “We’re just kind of at a loss right now. Like, seriously?” she said." - Jessie
Wow. Not Florida! - Back to just Joe
Sadly unsurprised that it is WA. You have to wonder how much someone had to spend to steal the cabin, vs. how much it would cost to build one. - Jennifer Dittrich
"Insurance money will cover the contents of the cabin, but Hempel said they won’t pay for the structure itself because it doesn’t have electricity." That sucks. :( - Jessie
Tap instructor: "Did everyone learn the umbrella dance from 'Singin' In The Rain'?" High school student: "Yeah, but could you give us the counts for the part where he sings with no music?" Tap instructor: "Yeeeaaahhh...there aren't really counts for that part. Because Gene Kelly likes TAKING HIS SWEET TIME."
Ohhh I love me a good Gene Kelly smack down - Steve C, Team Marina
For a guy who's been dead almost 20 years, he definitely gets a lot of crap from our class. - Jessie
'Attn. barf cleaners': kid writes apology to Ore. bookstore | KBOI 2 -
"A child who vomited inside the Powell's bookstore on SE Hawthrone Boulevard wrote an apology letter to the "barf cleaners." It all began late last month, when a kid named Jack vomited inside the bookstore, close to the bathroom. "Attention: Barf cleaners," Jack wrote on the envelope of his apology letter, which included a gift card to Ben & Jerry's ice cream. "This Ben and Jerry's card is for the people who cleaned up the throw-up of a kid on Friday the 28th. I don't know their names, but I thank them a lot and I'm sorry again for throwing up and hope you enjoy your ice cream. From: Jack, AKA the kid that puked right next to the bathroom."" - Jessie
Shorter Stature May Pose Higher Risk of Heart Disease - -
"To the surprise of researchers who had thought the very notion a joke, an international consortium of investigators reported on Wednesday that shorter stature increases the risk of heart disease. After gathering genetic data from nearly 200,000 men and women worldwide, the investigators found that each extra 2.5 inches of height brings a 13.5 percent reduction in heart disease risk. The relationship is present throughout the range of adult heights. A person who is five feet tall has a 30 percent greater chance of developing heart disease than someone who is 5 feet 6, said a lead author of the new study, Sir Nilesh Samani, a professor of cardiology at the University of Leicester in England. Of course, the increased risk pales in comparison to that caused by smoking, which elevates the odds of getting heart disease by 200 to 300 percent. There is nothing people can do about their height, but the researchers hope the finding will lead to the discovery of new links to heart disease. The paper was published in The New England Journal of Medicine." - Jessie
Why Writers Love to Hate the M.F.A. - -
"It was peak reading season, and Lan Samantha Chang, director of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, was gamely juggling a call from a reporter, interruptions from her 7-year-old as well as a 10 percent surge in applications to the University of Iowa’s Master of Fine Arts program in creative writing. Ms. Chang was in the thick of decisions about who would fill 50 spots evenly divided between the fall fiction and poetry workshops. “I’m deluged,” she said, surprised by the number of applications she was sorting through — 1,380 — especially in a year with a stronger economy, a condition that typically causes graduate school applications, never mind those to fine arts programs, to drop. “I have a tub of manuscripts,” she said. “It’s weird!” Perhaps, she speculates, the surge is a result of the juggernaut HBO series called “Girls,” the one where the neurotic aspiring novelist Hannah Horvath, played by Lena Dunham, takes off to the Iowa cornfields and shines a bright light on the venerated program. More likely, the swell in applications is not so weird." - Jessie
Cops uncuff Fla. woman, who then swallows handful of 'Molly' - NY Daily News -
"One Florida woman decided to get high after cops cuffed her. Police who arrived at a drug trafficker’s Tampa home temporarily let the 23-year-old out of handcuffs so she could sign a document. Instead, Kimberly Noelle Collera reached for a handful of the synthetic drug known as “Molly” and swallowed it, the Tampa Bay Times reported. "If I'm going back to prison, I'll at least get high before I go," Collera reportedly told her arresting officers." - Jessie
"feeling sad? you need this blog on your dash!" - Jessie
Got time off to go to Dominic's graduation next month. Which is great, because no one else in his family will be there and if I couldn't get off work, his graduation present was going to be a selfie stick. #saddestgiftever
Awesome celebrate for us all. - Steve C, Team Marina
Will do! - Jessie
Man tunes into his liver tumor thanks to radio program - Taipei Times -
"A radio program promoting screening tests for liver disease most likely saved the life of a 52-year-old man from New Taipei City, who took the test after listening to the program and discovered he had a malignant liver tumor, which was then successfully treated. “The man, named Chang Jung-feng (張榮豐), was born to a hepatitis B carrier father and learned that he was also a carrier at the age of 20,” New Taipei City Department of Public Health Commissioner Lin Chi-hung (林奇宏) said yesterday. Lin said Chang had been oblivious of his condition for decades until March last year, when he accidentally tuned in to a radio station that was airing a program hosted by National Taiwan University Hospital honorary professor Sheu Jin-chuan (許金川), who has dedicated his life to liver disease prevention. Sheu had been promoting a free blood-testing program launched by the Liver Disease Prevention and Treatment Research Foundation, which prompted Chang to get tested, Lin said. “Chang subsequently underwent an abdominal ultrasonography after his alpha-fetoprotein [AFP] level — which is considered a liver tumor indicator — was found to be abnormally high, at 780 nanograms per milliliter [ng/ml], compared with the normal level of less than 10ng/ml,” Lin said. The ultrasound found a malignant tumor measuring 2.6cm in Chang’s liver. Since the tumor was detected early, the 52-year-old is in recovery after being treated with radiofrequency ablation." - Jessie
Cheers! :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Canadian road rager terrorizes family with chainsaw (VIDEO) - NY Daily News -
"When he turned off into a cul-de-sac, Hermenier reportedly blocked the street with the minivan and called 911. That’s when Delisle got out of his car, pulled a chainsaw from rear and revved it up outside the family’s minivan, a frightening sight that scared the children in a video Cyr first posted to Facebook. "You like that, huh?" Delisle said in French. The children can be heard screaming: "Mom!"" - Jessie
An Extraordinary Photo Of A Bobcat Fishing For Sharks -
"Earlier this week, a Florida resident was taking a stroll along Vero Beach in Florida's Sebastian Inlet State Park when he saw a bobcat staring at a shark that was feeding on smaller fish. But suddenly, the hunter became the hunted. As reported by ABC's Florida affiliate Local 10, the photograph was captured by John Bailey and has since been published at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Facebook page. Though some people are declaring the picture a fake, Liz Barraco, a spokesperson with the FWC, said they believe the photo is genuine and were "very excited to see it." David Hitzig, director of Busch Wildlife Sanctuary, told CBS 12 station that the incident is a real possibility, and that "Florida bobcats frequently hunt along local beaches to catch crabs and other animals all the time."" - Jessie
Holy crap i'm cancelling that beach vacation. - Steve C, Team Marina
Is this the behaviour of a desperate hungry animal or normal? - Halil
Dutch nursing home offers rent-free housing to students -
"A nursing home in the Netherlands allows university students to live rent-free alongside the elderly residents, as part of a project aimed at warding off the negative effects of aging. In exchange for small, rent-free apartments, the Humanitas retirement home in Deventer, Netherlands, requires students to spend at least 30 hours per month acting as “good neighbors,” Humanitas head Gea Sijpkes said in an email to PBS NewsHour. Officials at the nursing home say students do a variety of activities with the older residents, including watching sports, celebrating birthdays and, perhaps most importantly, offer company when seniors fall ill, which helps stave off feelings of disconnectedness. Both social isolation and loneliness in older men and women are associated with increased mortality, according to a 2012 report by the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America." - Jessie
"Six students from area universities Saxion and Windesheim share the building with approximately 160 seniors. They are allowed to come and go as they please, as long as they follow one rule: Do not be a nuisance to the elderly. Sijpkes joked that this is not difficult for the younger residents, especially since most of the older people living at the home are hard of hearing." - Jessie
Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall -
"HENRY VIII: who let all these dang wolves in my hall WOLF IN TUDOR HAT: aaroo" - Jessie
"KING HENRY VIII: let us break with Rome what say you to that, my lady ANNE BOLEYN: rrrr KING HENRY VIII: good girl good Anne Boleyn" - Jessie
Naked jogger runs down Fla. streets, tries to evade cops - NY Daily News -
"A man who created a sensation by jogging naked though traffic-choked Fort Lauderdale streets claimed he was running for his life, but cops said he was simply high on the synthetic drug flakka. Matthew Kenney, 34, was hospitalized for psychiatric evaluation Saturday after Fort Lauderdale police chased and finally subdued him, WSVN reported. Florida has reportedly been overrun by flakka, a street drug dubbed "$5 insanity" and called more potent than bath salts or meth." - Jessie
And lo, on this the final day of FF, Florida delivers. - Jessie
Darius Is The World’s Biggest Bunny, But His Son May Outgrow Him | Bored Panda -
"At 4ft 4in (1.3m) and 22.2kg, Darius is currently the biggest rabbit in the world, but he may not hold that title for much longer, because there’s a new pretender – his son. Jeff is 3ft 8in (1.1m) and has about 6 months of growing left, so his owner, Annette Edwards, expects him to grow larger than his dad. The two are members of the Continental Giant breed, which was bred for meat but is now prized as an intelligent and loving house pet. Given their size, they sleep in large dog crates instead of rabbit hutches. The rabbits Edwards holds eat their way through 2,000 carrots and 700 apples a year, as well as special rabbit food, all of which costs her £5,000." - Jessie
No. - bentley
Ursula K. Le Guin On Gender, a Possible HBO Adaptation, and the Double Standards Faced by Female Writers | The Mary Sue -
"Although Le Guin told Den of Geek that she doesn’t think about her legacy “much” and that she wants to keep writing “so long as I can [...] what becomes of it is not up to me,” she admits that concerns over how one’s work will be remembered are still relevant: 'I said that ["who is going to keep me alive?"] specifically talking about what happens to women writers. They get disappeared very quickly, so often and so unjustly. Then there has to be this laborious attempting to bring them back, sometimes succeeding and sometimes not. There is a real injustice there. It’s awful to think that you might just get sort of swept off the map simply because you were a woman writer instead of a man writer. You know, what the hell?'" - Jessie
To Ham and to Hold: Burger King to Pay for (And Cater?) Wedding of a Mr. Burger and Ms. King | The Mary Sue -
"The Fast Feudal Lord himself has elected to bestow his blessings upon a lucky Springfield, Illinois couple after learning of their upcoming wedding via Twitter: Joel Burger and Ashley King have reportedly gone by the name “Burger-King” since they were in the fifth grade together (d’awwww!), and were leaning into the nickname even before the fast food chain got involved–the pair’s engagement photo was taken in front of a Burger King sign, and the couple had already reached out to the company asking to use the official logo on wedding favors." - Jessie
Floridians Won't Stop Drowning Tortoises They're Trying to "Set Free" -
"Gopher tortoises, who enjoy being on land where they're able to maintain such basic functions as breathing and not dying, cannot swim. Which is why Florida would like to ask its residents to stop "helping" the tortoises find their way to the ocean's cold, watery depths. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission received multiple reports of well-meaning tortoise murders in the past month. Apparently, Floridians have been confusing the tortoises with more water-friendly sea turtles, which have flippers and will not immediately drown upon being dropped into the ocean." - Jessie
"If you yourself are concerned that the turtle you're about to "free" might, in fact, not be a turtle, the FWC recommends that you stop playing god and leave the damn thing alone." - Jessie
Good Grief. :( - AHnix (Anna Haro)
‘Humans Of New York’ Photo Of Girl Named ‘Beyoncé’ Has The Best Comment Section Ever | Bored Panda -
"A photo shared by the legendary Humans Of New York street photography project told the story of Beyoncé, a schoolgirl who discussed the difficulties (and advantages) of living with a celebrity name. A deluge of comments then appeared underneath the photo from other people with strange or celebrity names who wanted to show their support." - Jessie
Police: Man pepper sprayed after stabbing woman in buttocks with pitchfork - Houston Chronicle -
"An argument in south Bexar County ended Monday morning after a man stabbed his girlfriend in the butt with a pitchfork, authorities said. According to the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office, the couple had been arguing around 4:35 a.m. in the 16100 block of Rosa Street. Deputies said the couple argues quite often, and authorities are frequently called out to the location. This time, however, the argument escalated and the man, identified as Antonio Nunez, 59, stabbed the woman in the buttocks with a pitchfork, according to authorities. The woman managed to pepper spray Nunez and run to a neighbor’s house to call for help, police said. She was taken to the hospital for treatment. Nunez was arrested and will face a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, authorities said." - Jessie
TEXAS. - Jessie
Yeah, I'm waiting for TX and FL to finally merge into one giant crazy kingdom. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Women Praying Furiously In Western Art History -
"ok before we start this prayer everyone remember you hate god you hate food you hate everyone in this room" - Jessie
Churchgoer Tries to Hide Gun After Accidentally Shooting It Mid-Prayer -
"The Altoona Mirror reports that the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament's Easter mass was more wild than expected this year after "a legally carried handgun discharged in the pocket of an attendee," grazing his hand. It appears "a critical piece of the handgun apparently caught on the man's pants as he stood up," whereupon this unnamed man passed the gun to a friend, who attempted to hide it in his church program (as seen above). Trying to disguise a gun that's just gone off inside a church program is maybe the only thing more brazen than actually shooting the gun inside church." - Jessie
The Vatican? - Greg GuitarBuster
Watch This Man Ice Skate Propelled by a Chainsaw -
"In many parts of the U.S., people cling to the thought that spring will arrive for real any day now. In Sweden they have no such delusions, and are enjoying the continued cold days in the most fun way possible: chainsaw ice skating. Swedish skier Erik Sunnerheim made this video in which he uses the saw's teeth to pull himself around the frozen surface of a lake. There are so, so many things that could go wrong here, but getting to watch a professional crazy person pull it off it pretty amazing. I'd settle for rocket-powered skates." - Jessie
Police seize Easter Bunny containing $30,000 worth of meth - -
"A package containing an Easter Bunny doll with $30,000 worth of meth inside has been seized by Oklahoma police. The stuffed animal had a hole in the bottom where two condoms full of meth had been inserted. The meth weighed 1 pound. A woman named Carolyn Ross has been arrested for the crime, and she has admitted she knew the drugs were in the stuffed animal. She said she was supposed to send them to someone who could redistribute them, according to Fox 23. "We've intercepted narcotics in the mail before," said Tahlequah Police Chief Nate King. "The Easter Bunny I thought was a strange touch."" - Jessie
Feds say Northern Rockies wolf population remains strong | Summit County Citizens Voice -
"Wolves in the northern Rockies are more than holding their own, even in the face of increasing hunting pressure in some states. As of December 31, 2014, there were at least at least 1,657 wolves in 282 packs (including 85 breeding pairs) in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which released its annual wolf recovery report this week. That represents a stable and robust population well above the recovery levels identified by in the wolf recovery plan, the USFWS explained in a press release, adding that wolves continue to press westward, with at least 145 wolves in 31 packs (including 13 breeding pairs) were estimated in Oregon and Washington." - Jessie
"Total confirmed depredations by wolves in 2014 included 140 cattle, 172 sheep, 4 dogs, 1 horse, and 1 donkey. Private and state agencies paid $274,885.90 in compensation for wolf-damage to livestock in 2014. And federal, State and Tribal agencies spent about $3,146,006.00 of federal funding for wolf management and research." - Jessie
Taipei rejects gay couple for mass wedding - Taipei Times -
"The Taipei City Government on Thursday rejected an application by a same-sex couple to sign up for a mass wedding held by the government, saying they did not conform to Civil Code regulations on marriage. The Department of Civil Affairs said the applicants, who go by the nicknames Ray and Hsiao Ting (小丁), do not conform to Civil Code requirements for marriage, as their national identification cards show them both to be female. Article 972 stipulates that an agreement to marry must be made between male and female parties of their own accord." - Jessie
"Taipei is planning a public wedding ceremony later in the year that would be open to all couples, irrespective of gender, in support of civil partnership, according to a statement released by the Office for Gender Equality. Department of Civil Affairs Director Lan Shih-tsung (藍世聰) explained that same-sex couples have been excluded from the mass wedding because there was not enough time to revise regulations that were made public a long time ago, and that Taipei is organizing two wedding events instead." - Jessie