Jason Wehmhoener

I am an interaction designer with a UI engineering background. Twitter: http://twitter.com/jasonw22 portfolio: http://cloudforest.us/
That was something. See you around folks.
Hey, you should facebook less and twitter more. I like your links usually. - Nicķ
RT @jimvoorhies: I don't know why kidnappers in movies use voice distortion gadgets. VOIP works just as well.
"Seven Nation Army" by Nostalgia 77 Featuring Alice Russell is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/jasonw2...
I saved a @YouTube playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlis... Immunity
RT @designuxui: Sign up for my book's pre-release newsletter! I'll share stories & book updates! http://tragicdesign.com http://t.co/W6nPuZkKFs
RT @slicknet: When I was your age, my devtools were "alert".
RT @maccocktail: "The duty of youth is to challenge corruption." ― Kurt Cobain (born this day, February 20, 1967) http://t.co/E9kKcIzaGz
RT @im_a_mia: I just found out that @BigBird is the ONLY PERSON on Twitter who can see @MrSnuffleupagus. This is a goddamn triumph. http://t.co/KT2QuUifj2
RT @ericrice: Meet the tweet-deleters: people who are making their Twitter histories self-destruct http://fus.in/17nAkEN h/t @mathewi
"Never Catch Me (feat. Kendrick Lamar)" by @flyinglotus is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/jasonw2...
RT @savedyouaclick: Award shows mean nothing.
RT @scsentinel: Wallace Baine, Baine Street: Put MLK on the $20 bill http://dlvr.it/881NPR
"Carbine 744,520… Che Guevara… A Dream Of Land & Freedom" by Up, Bustle and Out is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/jasonw2...
"Nightlite (feat. Bajka) - Zero dB Reconstruction" by @sibonobo is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/jasonw2...
I liked a @YouTube playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlis... LEARN FREE MUSIC THEORY
"NEW DORP. NEW YORK" by SBTRKT, Ezra Koenig is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/jasonw2...
RT @doriantaylor: Finally some artillery support on questioning procrastination, this time from @jnd1er: http://www.jnd.org/dn...
RT @gideonstrumpet: New blog post: This isn’t about the death of Michael Brown; it’s about the death of Dr. King’s dream - http://apublicdefender.com/2014...
RT @janviernoir: "...oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave... O'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave."#Ferguson http://t.co/e6WBFcTu4h
RT @feministabulous: This split screen looks like it's out of a movie, a truly tragic one. #Ferguson http://t.co/PZZUvMjoJt
RT @docfreeride: POTUS basically just said #notallcops #Ferguson
RT @deltakosh: That's a BIG bunch of new features for #IE https://status.modern.ie/... #timeschange
RT @trevortimm: Billions of dollars in military gear still flowing to local cops unabated, despite outcry after Ferguson http://www.buzzfeed.com/evanmcs...
RT @ggreenwald: The cliched US media "clock" has been "ticking" on Iran for more than 10 years now - by @WideAsleepNima http://www.wideasleepinamerica.com/2014...
RT @trevortimm: The White House is reportedly "fiercely resisting" the release of the Senate's CIA torture report http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts...
RT @newyorker: G.O.P. Unveils Immigration Plan: "We Must Make America Somewhere No One Wants to Live" http://nyr.kr/1vpCLRY via @BorowitzReport
halfway there. - Big Joe Silenced
RT @theschnack: Ready for tasty #UX, redolent of oak and persimmon? From @Laurao @gigaom https://gigaom.com/2014...
"Omnipresence" by The Future Sound of London is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/jasonw2...
RT @conradhackett: A chart of the world's population used to look like a pyramid. Not anymore. http://www.economist.com/news... http://t.co/PGareaulBz
RT @gastropoda: "Bottom of the ninth in the hydrocarbon economy" -- graphic from Canada http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
RT @ipsociety: Tiny Beautiful Things | Farnam Street http://www.farnamstreetblog.com/2014... via @farnamstreet
RT @aral: Google’s secret NSA alliance: The terrifying deals between Silicon Valley and the security state http://www.salon.com/2014...