Joe "The Anvil" Pierce

I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the onion that stings in your eye, I am...
Hope for tomorrow. Sit in Starbucks quietly, maybe watch the SB on my iPad. Or, hang out with a lady friend.
Pribably starbucks. - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
Seriously why aren't there more 3d movies for the 3ds? The Lion King looks awesome!
Calling all 3DS users, what is your preferred way to buy from e-shop. straight credit card or those gift cards you an grab from the store? It may not be responsible but I think one way or the other I'm going to go broke and get animal crossing tonight! (I can quit anytime I want)
I just do straight credit card. - rønin
Dear everyone I know in the bad areas of the country right now, please be ok!!!!
UGH! The 3ds seller flaked X(
Doh, I hate when that happens. As a seller or buyer. - rønin
Cool, thanks for the tip! - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
don't you hate it when you get angry birds in your angry orchards?
Curses! Found a goodly priced 3ds on Craigslist that I trust but my attempts to purchase it have been thwarted by money being owed to me not being available now. GrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRrR *throws a steel folding chair into the ring*
today is known as the search for at least $20 ... I will make this happen! - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
serious question here. Suggestions for good 3ds and DS games? I mean my Animal Crossing addiction is pretty solid but I'm always looking to expand. (Also there is precious little for me to do there at night)
My favorites are Bravely Default, Fantasy Life, Etrian Odyssey Untold, and Persona Q. All 3ds. - Arlan K.
Fantasy Life! - rønin
I hope you like bleu cheese.
Wow, Marvel Unlimited is 69 dollars for 1 year. That works out to just under 6 dollars a month! I wish I had known about this pre-christmas I would have had a goal in mind... I think my next decent paying job is going to get me access to this!!! #IpadMiniIsThePerfectSize
Tradition lives, watching Clerks. Happy New Year everybody!
Happy New Year Mr Pierce - Mike Nencetti
Happy New Year to you - RetiredTeacherD
Something The Doctor said in the Christmas special further supports my opinion that "Sherlock" is just another Doctor adventure where The Doctor has taken on the guise of a human.
When he returns and asks "are you the same people as before?" because he already "deleted" them from his memory.. Something that Holms also made reference to in the first season of Sherlock. I'm just saying! - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
or Moffat is recycling and assumes no one is that smart. - Big Joe Silenced
he can't underestimate the Doctor Who/Sherlock fans? - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
How wa everyone's Christmas/holiday/Thursday?
I will not buy myself the Humble Audiobook Bundle today when I didn't get to buy many other people presents this year.... I will not buy myself......
It's a standup comedy bundle this week so... - Spidra Webster
Some good stuff in that bundle, but I wish there was another female comic or two in the mix. - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
True. Although it was novel to see any female comics in there at all. - Spidra Webster
I drank 2 hard ciders today and I feel like I going to pay for it..
what brand? - Corinne L
Kiss Me I'm Shitfaced by the Dropkick Murhpy's and they ended up not actually scoring but most people claim I won. I disagree, but who am I to argue with the public? - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick OOOooooOOooooOOh
Anyone need a Gmail invite? I have a few spare.
Buffy season 10 issue 9s ending has me feeling feels. I'm scared to rea issue 10!
no less than 3 people sent me this link >.< I can't afford it until like January :(
He friends of FriendFeed, I know I'm not around as much and when I am I complain too much and I know I'm a day too late but a lot of my friends here aren't from the states anyway what do days matter? I just wanted to say I am soooo fucking thankful for all of you awesome people. You for so long have kept me sane and accepted me though I am not!
Glad to "see" you, Joe! Happy regular ol Saturday! - Starmama
p.s. as awesome as you all are, packing your belongings into boxes is the exact opposite. Someone want to come punch me in the head to stop the banality of it all? - Joe &quot;The Anvil&quot; Pierce
punch you in the head? no. take you out for a quick bite and a natter? yes. - Big Joe Silenced
Food would be good! - Joe &quot;The Anvil&quot; Pierce
You can't tease (BLANK) as a companion and then kill (BLANK) unless you are going to make someone break back into his own timeline to save. (BLANK)!!!
Isn't that how Clara ended up as a companion, multiple times? - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Not exactly, the rule he broke that time was going to his own grave and then she jumped into, well basically his corpse which spread her all throughout time and space in his timeline . - Joe &quot;The Anvil&quot; Pierce
Calling all Doctor Who fans, I haven't watched this weeks episode yet (passed out upon returning home last night) Did they fix it so it was better than last weeks or should I keep expectations low?
Umm, maybe? - Steven Perez
The episode sucked, the Missy reveal sucked, at least one of the deaths Really sucked, but Nick Frost in the Christmas special might be a little bit of alright. - Joe &quot;The Anvil&quot; Pierce
OurPlace Out Loud: 201 Online harassment School shootings Where do we go when we dream? Suggestive photos and more… OPOL is always watching! or listen to the audio stream. -
Yep, still angry about Saturday's Doctor Who ending... The next episode better have something Amazing because this is at Abzorboloff levels for me right now.
Just watched The latest Doctor Who, HATED the reveal.
Curious Comedy Theater
I was going for minimalist but I think I got magician...
Curious Comedy Theater
That one time, when I was the Doctor and I had a pretty awesome companion.
I like this picture because there is a pretty girl there to take the focus away from how blech I am. - Joe &quot;The Anvil&quot; Pierce
holy crap guys, GUYS "The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth" is out in like a week! If you saw my played hours on the original you would realize just how big of a deal this is to me!!!!
Make sure to take plenty of vitamin D before locking yourself away indoors to play that... - Spidra Webster
I have to see if I can justify it. Probably moving in the next week or two as well so games are on the back burner... but if I can sneak a few extra while I still get a discount for having the original I'm going to get it. - Joe &quot;The Anvil&quot; Pierce