On Pinterest, I try not to comment on religious posts (like "How to Pray for Your Husband" which included paying that he would love your kids.) But I couldn't help it on the one about training your daughter to "meekly submit to her husband" by making her do jumping jacks for 5 minutes when she gets huffy.
Or roll her eyes in a mirror for 5 minutes if she rolls her eyes once at you. - Heather
It just makes me so sad that people think it's a positive thing to break down a girl to the point where letting emotion out is punished with physical demands until she never says boo. Talk about putting her in a position to be taken advantage of constantly. - Heather
Who the heck are you following!? 0_o - SAM
Oh it wasn't a follow, it was a post on the Home Decor section, which is also pretty O.o - Heather
Why is that in a Home Decor section? - Katy S
Oh hell no! Not in this house! - Melly #FForever