
See you on the other side. Stay weird.
Has anyone here heard of Gimme Your Stuff? It's a now inactive site (last update is from 2009) but the concept was people listed what country they were from and what types of stuff you wanted/could send. People would pair up and send each other care packages.
I always wanted to do it and with the talk of what's available in the States vs Canada vs Australia vs the UK I've been thinking about it more. - Heather
I think SwapBot sometimes has candy swaps and similar. - Melly #FForever
On Pinterest, I try not to comment on religious posts (like "How to Pray for Your Husband" which included paying that he would love your kids.) But I couldn't help it on the one about training your daughter to "meekly submit to her husband" by making her do jumping jacks for 5 minutes when she gets huffy.
Or roll her eyes in a mirror for 5 minutes if she rolls her eyes once at you. - Heather
Oh hell no! Not in this house! - Melly #FForever
Chris is cleaning in the other room. It's a tad loud and bang-y. I also just heard a crash and a sarcastic "Nice!" I'm doing the right thing by not going in there, right?
yes. he just needs some practice - Sir Shuping is just sir
feel free to quietly applaud from the other room - Steve C, Team Marina
If you go in you're only asking to get yelled at. - Eric - Final Countdown
I feel like I've been a lot more talkative today. Or maybe I'm just thinking about it.
Anytime, at all, ever, that a woman says "Yes, I will have sex with you if you X." and the man does not X, the condition for consent is not met. It's like having a contract that says "I will work for you if you provide me a safe work environment." and the safe work environment is not provided.
In court the contract would be null and the guilty party would be the one that did not meet the condition. - Heather
So CVS has dorm/locker/school supplies on sale. I'm trying to think of reasons I need to buy things like a pencil case, little bowls, organizers, etc. Oh, and a reusable straw cup (like for iced tea).
And this is ignoring the BUY ALL THE NOTEBOOKS! impulse I will have for life. >.< - Heather
Random political thought prompted by Pinterest. In high school Econ we had debates. One time the topic was private verse public health care. The teacher told us to split up to opposite sides of the room. Over half the class looked confused and raised their hands. We had picked both.
By the end of the class, both on the public side joined us, along with half of the private kids. We also won over the teacher, who had never expected a half-and-half solution to begin with. - Heather
things that made me gig / ERMAHGERD! - http://pinterest.com/pin...
PERNGWENS! - Heather
*collapses on floor* - Johnny
"Good for you." is easily in my top 5 most hated phrases. It's the height of condescension and completely dismissive. (I'm also not a fan of "Ok" when it's not part of another statement.)
It depends on *how* it's said. - Stephan Planken
If it's said with an exclamation point, there's at least a 90% chance it's said in a positive way. With a period, nope. - Heather
I agree with that. I used to work with a guy who said it frequently, but clearly in a very well meant, encouraging way. - Stephan Planken
OK - Winckel
This is the top half of the new cage. That is the bunny, hanging out inside the open top half of the new cage. She has the whole room to run around and explore...
It's a uuuuuuuuuunicorn! - http://pinterest.com/pin...
The Akhal-Teke is a horse breed from Turkmenistan. Only about 3,500 are left worldwide. Known for their speed and famous for the natural metallic shimmer of their coats. it's like a unicorn! - Heather
No kidding! - Spidra Webster
This is one of those things that sparks the child-like "WANT!!" - Heather
Completely. Emotionally. Drained. Finished 10, onto 11. #DoctorWho #Sap
Watching 11's first episode again was like a totally new experience. It was also nice to see Matt Smith again. - Heather
Humanlike Skin Cancer Found in Wild Fish | LiveScience - http://www.livescience.com/22042-h...
"The first case of skin cancer in a wild marine fish population looks eerily similar to the melanoma that plagues humans, researchers report today (Aug. 1). Coral trout living on Australia's Great Barrier Reef are directly beneath the Antarctic ozone hole, the world's largest, which is the result of the depletion of ozone in the atmosphere that normally protects humans from harmful UV rays." - Heather
We've been watching Doctor Who on Netflix. Just met River Song. I'm going to need some recovery time. #DoctorWho #SurpriseSad
The first (2) episode(s) with her. (Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead) Having seen all of 11 and knowing who River is made it that much more... everything. - Heather
The American Bible Challenge | gsntv.com - http://gsntv.com/shows...
"The American Bible Challenge is a spirited game show that will celebrate the Bible and its place in American culture. Bible enthusiasts from all across the country will compete in a variety of challenges that put their knowledge of the Good Book to the test." - Heather
Anyone else heard of this? - Heather
Nope. But I'd love to see Colbert take it on. - Spidra Webster
I'm curious but skeptical. It could be a very factual kind of think or be preachy and since Jeff Foxworthy is hosting I'm just confused. - Heather
Great, I think my eustachian tube is blocked again. It sounds like a distant helicopter in my right ear. :(
Do you swim? - Spidra Webster
Anything you can do to drain it? - Melly #FForever
You know that moment when you're walking into the bathroom and you turn the light on at the same time as you're stepping in, and when the light comes on you yell "Whoa" because there's a new bathmat under your foot and for a fraction of a second you think you're about to step on a bear?
I do now. - Stephen Mack
Baby opossum eating a grape - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Opossums are just so cute. ^_^ - Heather
Have you guys watched this? Because you should. - Heather
that's worth a re share... :-)) - JB
Japanese equestrian defies Father Time as the oldest competitor at London Olympics - Yahoo! Sports - http://sports.yahoo.com/news...
"LONDON – The oldest competitor at the 2012 Olympic Games has revealed the extraordinary sacrifices he has made in order to remain a medal contender well past retirement age. Hiroshi Hoketsu, who will represent Japan in the equestrian discipline of dressage at the age of 71, told Yahoo! Sports how chasing a slice of history and becoming the oldest Olympian in the last 92 years is the result of a fanatical commitment to the sport." - Heather
Not that I would have been Olympic level, but if I kept up horseback riding, I think I would have gone dressage. It's not terribly exciting, but the skill it takes to ask an animal that large to be dainty and precise is impressive. - Heather
PLUS! Tax deductions! - Spidra Webster
After today I can't watch equestrian anymore. Cross country is insane and I've seen too many falls. I wish they had an event that was more exciting then dressage, but not quite as death defying as cross country. - Heather
Ugh, this scheduling is messed up. Found equestrian on a channel that was showing soccer, listed as soccer, but online it says equestrian. It's like surprise events.
Ha.... - JB
Did you guys know that archery is exciting? Because it totally is. Also, it would be really easy to make a drinking game for it.
Apparently talking through the opening ceremonies is the right way to do it. I missed anything to be offended about. But I did learn that Finland has an awesome speeding/parking ticket fine system.
Torch lighting was WIN!
Don't ruin it for the rest of us. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Not saying why, just that I liked it a lot. :) - Heather
Posting on Craigslist for the first time. Mild anxiety. Mostly I just want to make sure we sell this giant entertainment center so I have space for buns new cage.
I understand the anxiety, but I absolutely love Craiglist. It's how I found my son's babysitter. :) - Jenny H.
She is pretty chubby. :) - Heather
Just went on Amazon to read a few pages of 50 Shades of Grey.... BAD IDEA! I had the same reaction as when I started reading Twilight, except that I also had the ability to compare it to Twilight, which was that much more annoying.
Oh, Heather... - Jenny H.
Betsy, that's hilarious! - Jenny H.
So on a certain level I'm used to how Chris and I are treated in this house, but I have a new one for you guys. SHE THREW OUT MY CHOCOLATE!!!!! I almost had a fit. She thought the gold foil was tinfoil "or something" and just tossed it. From the coffee table, which has only our things. In a room she doesn't use. With no other trash on it.
Geez. Is she going to replace it? - John (bird whisperer)
There was probably one dirty dish on the table and she was grabbing that at the same time and didn't think about it. When she starts cleaning she gets very focused. :/ - Heather
Muslim Brotherhood Accusation Leads to Threat Against Huma Abedin - Yahoo! News - http://news.yahoo.com/muslim-...
"The New York Post is reporting a Muslim man from New Jersey threatened Abedin after Michelle Bachman accused her of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The man was questioned by the NYPD but charges haven't been filed." - Heather
NomNomNom / Cinnamon roll waffle. AMAZING! - http://pinterest.com/pin...
You have to try it! I can't even. - Heather
I would with about 50% less glaze. - Jenny H.
We didn't do anything to the glaze, just plop some on while the waffle is hot and let it melt. - Heather
Chris: *climbs up next to me on the back of the couch* Look I'm a kitty! Me: *panics and hopes he doesn't climb onto the computer*
Yes, but did he call you Boo? - Steven Perez
Feeling very BLARG! My hips have been bugging me all week, but I didn't do my exercises. Today? I feel like I've been repeatedly punched in the hip and I'm limping.
100% my own fault, just can't get it into my head that prevention is the only way to deal with this. - Heather
It's a miracle!!! - Friar Will