
See you on the other side. Stay weird.
Chris: *climbs up next to me on the back of the couch* Look I'm a kitty! Me: *panics and hopes he doesn't climb onto the computer*
Yes, but did he call you Boo? - Steven Perez
Feeling very BLARG! My hips have been bugging me all week, but I didn't do my exercises. Today? I feel like I've been repeatedly punched in the hip and I'm limping.
100% my own fault, just can't get it into my head that prevention is the only way to deal with this. - Heather
It's a miracle!!! - Friar Will
Frozen Grapes: a refreshing snack — Eating Out Loud - http://www.eatingoutloud.com/2008...
Chris and I just tried frozen grapes. I'm kind of a grape-aholic anyhow, but they are SO GOOD. Really freaking cold too, so they would make a great picnic snack or something. I think I'm going to make more... brb - Heather
Candy! - Alix May
50 Tons of Litter Pulled from Pacific - Yahoo! News - http://news.yahoo.com/50-tons...
"Scientists loaded their ship to the max this month off the coast of Hawaii, but their bounty wasn't fish or coral or any other scientific specimen. It was garbage." - Heather
"What surprises us is that after many years of marine debris removal in Papahanaumokuakea and more than 700 metric tons of debris later, we are still collecting a significant amount of derelict fishing gear from the shallow coral reefs and shorelines," Kyle Koyanagi, the chief scientist for the mission, said in a NOAA statement. "The ship was at maximum capacity and we did not have any space for more debris." - Heather
This cage is 47"x23"x24" and has fantastic reviews. I just wish I had a space for it! O_O - http://www.amazon.com/Living-...
Compared to the cage she's in now, it's 11" longer. Someone called the large (this one is extra large) a bunny mansion. - Heather
IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE! But there's no space, so no pics and no bunny approval for a few days. - Heather
It makes me sad when people refuse to believe anything another person tells them, even if what they are being told has simple, obvious evidence.
Never let fact and logic get in the way of a good burning torch - Johnny
I purposely wrote this really vague so it could be taken as if it meant something, but I'm just frustrated with a few things around the house. :) - Heather
It's not worth $50 a month to switch cell phone providers because "it always goes up" after 2 years. Um, 2 years at $50 a month less is $1200 savings. BULLSHIT THEY CAN'T AFFORD TO LET US STAY IN A HOTEL WITH THEM FOR 2 NIGHTS. - Heather
*Sees spider on desk* Go away spider! *shoos* Spider goes away. ........... AAAAHHH! Where's the spider!
*Sees spider on the wall* All is right in the world. - Heather
I was thinking about doing a drawing combining Alice (from Alice in Wonderland) with Lyra (from the Golden Compass). They're fairly different personality wise but then I noticed some similarities...
HALP! Does anyone have advice on how to keep spiders out of shoes? I usually wear sneakers, so my other shoes get spiderwebs in the toe area. Which prevents me from wanting to wear my other shoes. :(
Plastic shoeboxes. Unless there isn't room for them. Bags? - Starmama
What Starmama said. Seal them off. But if they are leather or cloth, put something in to retard the growth of any mildew. - Spidra Webster
HE GOT ME ANNIE'S FRUIT SNACKS!!!! ^_^ *happy dance*
Oh! I see what people mean about a different texture. Like a gummy bear that doesn't spring back. I'm giving the sunny citrus a good review. *nomnom* - Heather
I'm still not sure where all the stuff from the living room was put when it was emptied for the plumber. (It was cleaned by us, then a bunch of stuff was hidden so that the plumber wouldn't think we own things. Oh not stuff in the dinning room or family room or kitchen, just the stuff that belongs to Chris and I.)
Complicated. :) - Steve C, Team Marina
So earlier Chris and I put all the linens back in the closet (the closet had to be emptied for the plumber to fix the shower). I kind of did some arranging in the entire bathroom. A minute ago I got up to get water and looked in the fridge for a snack. Then I arranged the cheese and veggie drawers.
Made a list of the To Be Donated linens and bagged them. Replaced the plastic hangers in the closet with the nice ones Chris got for Christmas (Yankee Swap). Maybe I should look into being a house cleaner or organizer. - Heather
Organized the measuring cup and random bits drawer. One day very soon I'm going to hear angry yelling about not being able to find anything. - Heather
Ok, what does a dream about being bitten by an albino skunk mean???? O_o
My dream dictionary tells me that albinism is a sign of purity and peace and skunks symbolize driving people away. Being bitten symbolizes vulnerability over unresolved issues. So... I have unresolved issues about a pure/peaceful person I've driven away? - Heather
@*$^@ Of all the possible animals! :P - Heather
Tried to sit outside and read. Bench was scorching hot and the part in the shade had an earwig. :( So instead I picked clover and a pea plant for bunny. I think bunny approves.
Chris just got bit by a spider. Is it bad that I'm hoping it was radioactive?
should we start calling you Mary Jane? :) - holly #ravingfangirl
Netipotting, I don't think I'm doing it right. :(
I think I have a bunch of the solution stuck in my sinuses. It's slowly leaking down my throat. Bleh - Heather
It takes some practice to get it to work correctly. - CW
I make sure to lean far, the first time I did it I didn't lean over enough and I got it down my throat. But I still feel a bit... salty in my nose/throat area. I keep tipping my head around to see if I can move it around. Idk, maybe it's just residual stuffiness but it feels like liquid. - Heather
Doctor Who / Laughed SO hard. And slapped my knees. Literally. - http://pinterest.com/pin...
OMAN - Heather
Chris is going to CVS for me. Or rather, he's going to Dunkin Donuts to get Coolattas and also stopping at CVS. ^_^
Orange and vanilla is the best thing DDs has to offer. - Heather
Brain freeze! *keeps drinking anyhow* - Heather
Strange metallic smell. Not near the computers. The fan didn't seem to smell, but it was hot. I'm a little worried it wasn't the fan, but we can't seem to locate anything warm or smelly. (That last phrase, I can't believe I typed that.)
Imma use you guys as therapy. So when Chris and I got to my parents house (not last Thurs, but the one before), within 5 minutes my mom and I were freaking out about the dog. Chris and I were not happy being barked at and jumped on. My mom was yelling at the dog and obviously she wasn't listening.
I did overreact a bit (I had a headache and the bark is so high pitch) and got upset. My mom and I went back and forth a little until she said "Maybe next time we should just bring her to the kennel." I was seriously pissed off at that. We had just arrived to take care of the dog for a week and she was saying it would be better to have the dog kenneled. Chris actually asked me if I wanted to go straight back to Palmer. (If we hadn't brought the bunny out, I might have said yes.) - Heather
She's an Aussie, so she's medium/high energy. We try our best to spend the week giving her clear rules, but I know it's all undone once my parents pull in the drive way. Chris and I have always had the rule that she can't be in the kitchen while we're preparing food. She's actually gotten worse about following the rule every time we go back. (She will lay just outside the kitchen for several minutes, then try to come in while we aren't looking.) We frisbee her as much as we can because it takes a lot of her energy out quickly, but with the weather (rain and wind) she was so nervous/distracted we couldn't do it every day. - Heather
Nostalgia attack! This is what I get for going through old emails. I have about 50 from the summer I spent at Shenandoah. Updates from friends and replies to my updates. It reminds me how active I was and how much I enjoyed working hard and being connected.
I clicked from an email to go to my account page. I couldn't guess my password, so I clicked on "Forgot your password?" It says there is no account with my email address. I CLICKED FROM AN EMAIL!
(and the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, ;) - chaz2b
It's so nice to have had the day alone (with Chris). Got up early, watched tv, then let bunny out and watched tv with her running around, did some dishes. Vacation is ending within the hour, but it was a good week.
So I found a purse I thought I got rid of, but it still had stuff in it. One of the things was my old Kodak Advantix camera. It either has 23 pictures on it or pictures left. Time to use some film! :)
"What are you looking at, porn? Oh, word porn." "Word porn?" "Well, there were a lot of words."
Thanks to OnDemand and a Netflix trial, Chris and I finished watching the 9th Doctor. I liked him more then I thought I would. - http://www.amazon.com/Doctor-...
The dog who didn't give a shit about thunderstorms when I first met her is a trembling coward now. Last time she peed was about 12 hours ago. Wonder what's going to happen if the thunder keeps up all day like it's supposed to.
There will be rain storm in the living room i'm guessing - Steve C, Team Marina
:( - Heather
I'm thinking about looking into becoming a dog trainer because on Thursday my mom said sarcastically "Oh because you know everything about dogs."
The only problem is that I don't know if there's anything I can do prior to flat out paying for schooling. - Heather
You could start building a name in your community by becoming a dog walker / pet sitter. - Kristin
I was actually thinking about doing some pet sitting. I'd have to rely on Chris for rides ATM, but I have some experience. I think I have to get in a little better shape for walking. lol - Heather
#TeamPie #TeamCheese Yup, cheese pie for dinner! ^_^
*gets in line with plate* - John (bird whisperer)
Whoa. That is an amazing creation. Thank you for sharing the recipe! - Jennifer Dittrich
The vet I take bunny to now has online medical profiles. It's so cool! When I logged in it had all her info. Butterscotch is on the internet!
Maybe I'll make her a Twitter account and post all the things I think she thinks. It would be very disapproving. http://www.disapprovingrabbits.com/ - Heather
Watching a PBS debate about "Do too many kids go to college?" One of the closing arguments mentioned student loan debt. I had no idea Bush made student loans unaffected by bankruptcy in 2005.
I thought I was paying attention to politics in 2005, and especially something are relevant to me as student loan debt. How did I not know that??? - Heather
Woke up just after 8 to take care of pups (Chris was the one that managed to get out of bed and actually do it). We both went back to sleep until almost 11. Does this count as being responsible?
Responsiliberty! - Eivind