This cage is 47"x23"x24" and has fantastic reviews. I just wish I had a space for it! O_O -
Compared to the cage she's in now, it's 11" longer. Someone called the large (this one is extra large) a bunny mansion. - Heather
Oh and the XL is $10 less then the large. I think bunny is getting a new cage in the near future. Just depends on being able to put it somewhere! - Heather
Cage has been approved! ^_^ Now I'm getting the typical last minute doubt... - Heather
Nevermind, I ordered it! Bunny is going to be happy in 5-8 business days. - Heather
IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE! But there's no space, so no pics and no bunny approval for a few days. - Heather