Ok, what does a dream about being bitten by an albino skunk mean???? O_o
My dream dictionary tells me that albinism is a sign of purity and peace and skunks symbolize driving people away. Being bitten symbolizes vulnerability over unresolved issues. So... I have unresolved issues about a pure/peaceful person I've driven away? - Heather
I'd just stay away from albino skunks. That can't be bad advice. - Eric - Final Countdown
Don't play with wildlife in your dreams! :-P Actually, with a skunk involved, I'm surprised you got bitten instead of sprayed. - John (bird whisperer)
I guess trying to herd it into a cage and accidentally thwapping it in the mouth pissed it off. Though it's even more surprising I got bit by a skunk considering the number of alligators in the area. - Heather
You're about to become a wereskunk. - Morton Fox
@*$^@ Of all the possible animals! :P - Heather