Imma use you guys as therapy. So when Chris and I got to my parents house (not last Thurs, but the one before), within 5 minutes my mom and I were freaking out about the dog. Chris and I were not happy being barked at and jumped on. My mom was yelling at the dog and obviously she wasn't listening.
I did overreact a bit (I had a headache and the bark is so high pitch) and got upset. My mom and I went back and forth a little until she said "Maybe next time we should just bring her to the kennel." I was seriously pissed off at that. We had just arrived to take care of the dog for a week and she was saying it would be better to have the dog kenneled. Chris actually asked me if I wanted to go straight back to Palmer. (If we hadn't brought the bunny out, I might have said yes.) - Heather
Since then my mom hasn't said anything about it. Chris and I can really use the money, but I'm not sure if we are willing to dog sit again. I don't think they appreciate us coming out, they expect it. But they expect us to not just put up with how bratty the dog is, but like it. - Heather
I wouldn't babysit a kid who threw tantrums and the parents yelled at me for not indulging them. - Heather
I like some dogs but not all dogs so I don't put myself up for dogsitting jobs or housesit jobs that involve taking care of dogs. I think your mom should appreciate you helping her out but if you aren't really prepared to deal with the fact that some people have high strung breeds or that some people just spoil the hell out of their pets, it might not be a good job for you to take, especially if it's putting strain on family relations. - Spidra Webster
or you could spend that week properly training the dog - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
She's an Aussie, so she's medium/high energy. We try our best to spend the week giving her clear rules, but I know it's all undone once my parents pull in the drive way. Chris and I have always had the rule that she can't be in the kitchen while we're preparing food. She's actually gotten worse about following the rule every time we go back. (She will lay just outside the kitchen for several minutes, then try to come in while we aren't looking.) We frisbee her as much as we can because it takes a lot of her energy out quickly, but with the weather (rain and wind) she was so nervous/distracted we couldn't do it every day. - Heather