
See you on the other side. Stay weird.
Watching a PBS debate about "Do too many kids go to college?" One of the closing arguments mentioned student loan debt. I had no idea Bush made student loans unaffected by bankruptcy in 2005.
I thought I was paying attention to politics in 2005, and especially something are relevant to me as student loan debt. How did I not know that??? - Heather
Woke up just after 8 to take care of pups (Chris was the one that managed to get out of bed and actually do it). We both went back to sleep until almost 11. Does this count as being responsible?
Responsiliberty! - Eivind
I had to trick the dog into eating dinner by hand feeding her a few kibbles that I "stole" out of her bowl. Puppy does not approve of thunder at dinner time.
Perkele! Remember that time 6 months ago when we were asked to babysit on Thursday? Me neither. Chris has jury duty, which might spill over to Thursday, and we're supposed to go to my parents house on Thursday. Oh yeah, his car can't be driven either so we get stuck with the truck.
Oh unless my parents pick us up since my parents have all the time in the world and NO ONE around here ever has time for anything other then themselves. - Heather
My right hand knuckles hurts. I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep because of it. :(
It's almost the same feeling as needing to crack my knuckles, but it hurts way way more. And it goes from the base of my fingers to the first knuckle up. Started mildly last night and is now more intense, plus my wrist kind of hurts. WTF - Heather
Have you punched anything? - Melly #FForever
If I did, I wish I remembered it! I can't think of anything hurting my hand yesterday. - Heather
It went away! I even got about an hour and a half more sleep (off and on). - Heather
I have an idea for a presidential debate, but it's not a debate it's a job interview. It happens in a cramped little conference room with 3 interviewers, one is friendly, one doesn't seem to think you're good enough, and one that you can't tell what they hell they think. They ask questions that actually get asked in job interviews.
Stuff like "At your last job, tell us about a time you were under a lot of pressure." and "What 3 things would you change about yourself?" and "How do you think your past experience prepares you for this position?" But when you answer the last one, the mean one follows up with "And you think that translated directly or...?" - Heather
And at least 2 months later they call at a random time of day to say sorry, they didn't think you were the right fit (just to see how they react). - Heather
LOL - Heather
Oh that's why I hate emptying the sink. The unemptied coffee cups, the mystery brown water in bowls, and Mr. 3s bowl of brownie and ice cream mush (seriously it was half a brownie floating in melted ice cream).
Ewww. I was always taught to empty plates, bowls, cups, etc., before leaving them in the sink for someone else to handle. So it surprises me when others don't do that. - John (bird whisperer)
Did I mention that it's too expensive for Chris and I to stay in a hotel one night for his cousin's wedding? His parents and sister's family are staying 2 nights in a hotel because one person has to be there for the rehearsal, but Chris and I have to drive up that morning and drive back right after.
I try not to complain, I really do. Usually what comes out is just the last straw kind of stuff, but it's all getting to me now. We're so inconvenient and unwelcome that his whole family is spending 2 nights in a hotel for a wedding we're supposed to drive to and from, because his sister is photographing it. - Heather
Considering they assumed the drive was from here... it frustrates me a lot more then if it was established we could go from my parents house. It wont be too bad from there, though the drive back will feel a lot longer. - Heather
And today Mr. 3 is over (with mom and dad). This is so not good timing for my mood. #WhyIneedtomoveout #Reason213nottohavekids
I just overheard a discussion about not needing to take your shirt off to pee. Also, Mr. 3 hates wet clothes, but has to wear his wet shirt, even though he isn't wearing pants. #Logic? - Heather
"Do you want a shower and get you all rinsed off?" "No!" "I think we'll give you a big boy shower." "Noooooo!" WHY DO YOU ASK - Heather
it's different when it's your own kid. easier to withstand. - Big Joe Silenced
I'm planning on deleting my FB account, but now I'm wondering if I should delete and then make a new one with no info but friend all of you. (And not friend my family...)
Could you just unfriend your family instead? - Stephen Mack
Deleted. Or rather, it will be in 14 days. - Heather
"90 gallons of water down the drain a month? I'll get on that, once the house is presentable enough for a plumber." #WhyIneedtomoveout
The upstairs tub has been dripping constantly for months. Today I put a big empty coffee can under to measure how much water is going down the drain. My estimate? a gallon every 8 hours, which works out to 90 gallons a month. - Heather
But the living room isn't clean enough to let anyone in the house. God forbid an outsider see a mess! Not that the downstairs bathroom isn't piled with clothes and junk (the washer is in there) or the dinning room covered in papers and overflow food. Nope, just the places Chris and I touch are unclean. - Heather
I swear to the FSM, my stomach feels better at my parents house because I don't have to deal with THIS. - Heather
#SaturdayFF Anger cleaning is by far the most efficient way to clean a room. But good luck finding anything later, only half of the stuff ends up somewhere sensible.
In my experience, fire seems to work just as well. - Akiva
I'm considering that with the dinning room, I don't have anything in there. >:) - Heather
Chris thinks I should work here. I think he would have to check each day that I'm not sneaking an animal home. - http://www.dpvhs.org/about...
Chris! That's just asking for trouble! I think you'd be awesome at that though Heather. - Melly #FForever
True, I just wish one of the jobs was "animal cuddler and play time specialist". But bunny could use a friend and I'm sure the 'rents would love a cat if they just got to know it... - Heather
Porn in A Library - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
For the librarians. :) - Heather
Loituma Polka lyrics - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
it is funny to see Ievan Polkka lyrics for English transcription ;) original looks more fun to me http://www.youtube.com/watch... - piikummitus
I have the lyrics properly, like in the one you linked, but I still have to adjust pronunciation. This version makes Finn look easy! And I lover that "Tilly tilly tilly tilly tilly tilly talla" is all written out. - Heather
Composters! Chris and I are starting a compost pile (should have all the parts to put together the pallets tonight) and I know the basics, but I'd love any tips. We're still trying to sort out what to do about cats (would cats use compost as litter?), a kitchen scraps bucket/bowl and where to get it, and what kind of maintenance we need to do.
For your kitchen scraps bucket, you can use anything. I use a plastic gallon milk jug with the top cut off (just enough to create a wider opening, but leaving the handle in place). - John (bird whisperer)
Meat can be composted with a bokashi composter (which actually pickles it, then it can be buried and it'll break down but the vermin won't mess with it). I used bokashi for meat, cheese, bread and other things that it wasn't good to throw into regular compost or worm compost. The basics of compost is making sure that it's not too dry and not too wet and that it's got roughly equal amounts of greens (nitrogen) and browns (carbon). Turning the compost pile frequently will result in a faster and hotter composting process. For daily compost collection, I'd just toss the stuff onto a plate and scrape the plate into the compost each evening. Wash the plate - no muss, no fuss. - Spidra Webster
Foster The People - "Pumped Up Kicks" - by Dani Shay & Justin Chase (@Be_More_Heroic) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
<3 - Heather
Singing this out loud, right now. - http://pinterest.com/pin...
The part that goes "before you came into my life, I missed you so bad" works rather literally here, chronologically speaking. - Victor Ganata
Oh, so I wasn't the only one having a hard time picking. - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Hair feathering, not always desired. - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Your hair looks great, but how does that work with your eyes? - John (bird whisperer)
It doesn't? I swear I'm going to get whiplash shaking my head every few seconds. I look even more ridiculous with a headband on though. - Heather
We finished listening to Harry Potter on audiobook. I've now read, watched, and listened to the whole series. - http://images.search.yahoo.com/images...
There's a bit of a stronger finality to it now that I've sort of done it every which way, but it's not sad like the other 2 times. - Heather
My aunt lent the audiobooks (complete with tape player). They are "on the list" (and the floor beside me). I've done the nearly same with LotR, subbing a couple of radioplays for the audiobooks. - Michael W. May
#SaturdayFF 2 things on tv make me want to exercise immediately, GI Jane and women's gymnastics.
:) For me it's Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh movies. Plus seeing Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. - Spidra Webster
She's ok and in the hospital for observation, but they think my mom had a heart attack. I don't know what to do.
Oh, Heather. *huge hugs* Can you go see her? - Laura
I'm glad that the whole thing was cautionary and that your mom is all right. *hugs* - vicster.
So this morning we noticed this in the backyard.
Mama has been around and fed the kids. They stayed in the yard a long time and may still be there now, but Mom is off again. - Heather
aw. they'll get over it, but aw. - Starmama
Doctor Who // Fix you - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I swear I'm going to shrivel up from dehydration. - Heather
Damn, Heather. *cries and curls up with a box of tissues* - Laura
I'm so addicted to sad YouTube music montages. But I'm blaming Chris for this specific one because we heard the song and he wondered outloud if there was a Doctor Who video to it. - Heather
I just broke. This one is too much, and I haven't watched the other Doctors, so I only got half of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch... You have been warned. - Heather
Anyone else watching The Glee Project this season? #GleeProject
If anyone is thinking about watching, I highly recommend it. Dani, who was on American Idol last year and auditioned with a song about not being Justin Beiber, is on and I have a huge crush on her. The others are really interesting too, Mario is blind and has this wicked "I got this" attitude that I love, Tyler is transitioning to male and still coming into his own, and Charlie has ADHD and autism. - Heather
Eric & I are watching it. I think Mario is amazing! He's definitely got that I can do it no matter what attitude! - Elena
Anyone know of a price watcher for Amazon? I'm trying to keep an eye on bunny supplies.
I keep items in my cart and Save for Later. When you check back at your cart it'll tell you if the price goes up or down. - Rodfather
Thanks! I already set up a price watch. - Heather
So I got an iTunes card for my bday way back in April and I have no need for it. The $33 balance I'm carrying will probably last into next year... - http://images.search.yahoo.com/images...
Just add it to your account and use it whenever you get around to it. They don't expire, do they? - Kristin
Nope, which is lucky since I've been carrying a balance for years. I haven't added it to my account because it feels like music (at least music that would be purchased in the far future) is a silly thing to spend money on (in my situation). I'm such a penny pincher. - Heather
Auction it off? $10 for a $15 card? - Kristin
I think I'll have to trade it with someone I know because for some reason I scratched off the code right before I realized I didn't want to use it. x_x - Heather
A Thousand Years // Amy/Rory - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
*sniffle* - Laura
Unless you have tissues at hand don't watch this and then Remember When with Carl and Ellie. I'm a mess. - Heather
Three rare elephants found dead in Indonesia - Yahoo! News - http://news.yahoo.com/three-r...
"Three critically-endangered Sumatran elephants have been found dead in an oil palm plantation in western Indonesia and are believed to have been poisoned, an NGO said Saturday. Villagers found the dead animals on Thursday in a government-owned oil palm plantation in the eastern part of Aceh province. They were estimated to be four and five years old, local environmental group Fakta said. "We suspected that they died after consuming bars of soap laced with poison we found near the carcass," the group's chief Rabono Wiranata told AFP." - Heather
What really bothers me is that every company I've looked into that uses palm oil claims it comes from WWF certified plantations. I can't help but think WWF is falling down on this, the companies are lying, or the suppliers are lying and the companies don't bother to check. It's so hard to avoid too. I mean the Girl Scouts wanted to do something about Thin Mints because fo the palm oil and people freaked out. It's not an easy change to make. - Heather
Ok, so I wimped out a little but I still went for drastic change.
I think it looks cute...and you look happy. :) - Laura
Cranky to 11.