I have an idea for a presidential debate, but it's not a debate it's a job interview. It happens in a cramped little conference room with 3 interviewers, one is friendly, one doesn't seem to think you're good enough, and one that you can't tell what they hell they think. They ask questions that actually get asked in job interviews.
Stuff like "At your last job, tell us about a time you were under a lot of pressure." and "What 3 things would you change about yourself?" and "How do you think your past experience prepares you for this position?" But when you answer the last one, the mean one follows up with "And you think that translated directly or...?" - Heather
And at least 2 months later they call at a random time of day to say sorry, they didn't think you were the right fit (just to see how they react). - Heather
LOL - Heather