So this morning we noticed this in the backyard.
Mama has been around and fed the kids. They stayed in the yard a long time and may still be there now, but Mom is off again. - Heather
Called the only local place I know of that does feral spaying and left a message. They don't list our town for coverage but maybe since it's a mama and kittens they will take them in. - Heather
cuuuuuuuuuute - sofarsoShawn
It all hinges on if they're under or over 8 weeks. :( - Heather
KITTEHS!!! *dies* - Laura
Update: No one in the neighborhood is missing a cat or kittens. They are def under 8 weeks, but grey stripes hissed at me and one of the black ones was shaking terribly. Plan of action is just to wait until the am and if they're around catch them. The Humane Society has traps for mom. Side note: Lady up the street has TOO MANY cats and 4 of the cutest kittens ever. - Heather
It's that time of year...more feral babies on our block, too. They all look sick, as usual. Not too many live long around here; seen too many feral kitten carcasses :-( - Starmama
oh, they are so cute!!! I;d be sitting in the backyard next to bowl of water and a bowl of whirled chicken pretending to read to see if they would come to me. - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
I'm so nervous about whether they'll be around in the morning, whether we'll be able to catch them, and how they will handle it. I'm also worried about mama, I just put it together that I can't bring her in until Tuesday, so she might be kittenless for 4 days. I almost feel like this isn't the right thing to do. - Heather
Out here, the coyotes eat 'em. Not that I *like* that - I have three indoor cats, but I've seen it more than once. - teleken
Caught and surrendered. They were definitely 4 weeks, which is the perfect time to bring them in. They lady at the HS said they are very adoptable. Then we went and broke out hearts at the cat room, dog room, and small animal room. - Heather
I'm so glad you were able to get them - they'll have so much better of a life. - Jennifer Dittrich
Mama cat came back and is walking around the yard. :( - Heather
Papa is sniffing around now - Chris Topher
aw. they'll get over it, but aw. - Starmama