Three rare elephants found dead in Indonesia - Yahoo! News -
"Three critically-endangered Sumatran elephants have been found dead in an oil palm plantation in western Indonesia and are believed to have been poisoned, an NGO said Saturday. Villagers found the dead animals on Thursday in a government-owned oil palm plantation in the eastern part of Aceh province. They were estimated to be four and five years old, local environmental group Fakta said. "We suspected that they died after consuming bars of soap laced with poison we found near the carcass," the group's chief Rabono Wiranata told AFP." - Heather
Palm oil, I dislike it because of this. - Heather
Bah..:( and grr - Michael W. May
There are a lot of reasons to switch off of palm oil. It's endangering orangutans, rainforest, etc. Vegetarians especially really need to lobby on this since the use of palm oil went up in order to fry french fries in something other than lard in order that they could be vegetarian. - Spidra Webster
What really bothers me is that every company I've looked into that uses palm oil claims it comes from WWF certified plantations. I can't help but think WWF is falling down on this, the companies are lying, or the suppliers are lying and the companies don't bother to check. It's so hard to avoid too. I mean the Girl Scouts wanted to do something about Thin Mints because fo the palm oil and people freaked out. It's not an easy change to make. - Heather