
See you on the other side. Stay weird.
Ok, so I wimped out a little but I still went for drastic change.
I think it looks cute...and you look happy. :) - Laura
Cranky to 11.
Chris's parents don't believe I saw a cockroach in the house. So glad they haven't said it to my face, but it's pissing me off. I fucking know what I saw.
was it a beetle? - sofarsoShawn
Nope, definitely a roach. They're the only bug that squicks me out that bad. And at first I thought it was a moth because it was flutter-y, but when I looked I got a good look. Plus, Chris killed it this morning and he said it was a cockroach too. - Heather
I'm getting a haircut and strongly considering a pixie cut (supposed to be good for round faces). I just can't decide what kind. These are the 3 I like the most. Any thoughts?
Whatever you pick, I hope you combine it with whoa pants. ;-) - John (bird whisperer)
Emma's takes the least work each day ;) - Michael W. May
OMANOMANOMANOMAN There was a cockroach in the backroom. I saw it in the middle of the freaking wall while I was playing pinball. I saw one earlier when I was moving my plants and it was under the spinach pot. CAN. NOT. HANDLE.
*kicks it in the nuts* - Melly #FForever
you should never go out on my parents' deck at night. SWARMING. - Big Joe Silenced
They squick me the fuck out. I'm better at handling spiders. I want to sleep so that maybe Chris's trap works, but I don't know how soon I'll be able to sleep. Ridiculous over-reaction is ridiculous. - Heather
Transferring 6 years of pictures and documents (plus the stuff that was transferred from the other laptop) off my laptop and onto my desktop. It's not just a long and annoying process, it also makes me sad.
With a hint of worry that I wont transfer something and delete it or that I'm deleting things that I'll regret not having. - Heather
i went through that a few months ago. some of it is still on the drive i pulled and installed in a USB enclosure. so much to sort through. i'm sure you'll get the important stuff. - Big Joe Silenced
I've finished with documents and tomorrow I'll get into the bulk of pictures. There's just soooo many pictures, and most of them are in folders that go Year>Month>Day>pics so it's a lot of clicking around. - Heather
Chris found me pinball online. Goodbye friends, it may be a while before I'm back. #Addict
I need a job and my own place to live like whoa pants.
What are whoa pants? - John (bird whisperer)
I bet if you hung out naked more often, they'd start knocking. - Heather
CPAP USERS! Chris's dad has been using a CPAP for a while, but he's having problems with it. He doesn't like or can't use the mask, but the one he has doesn't fit (it just goes in the nose and when he moves it pops out). Any advice or suggestions for another type of mask or something?
Anyone? - Heather
I went and saw them. The guy suggests a site called cpapdiscountstore.com - Johnny
Seriously unsure what to do with my laptop, which just shut off with time (15 mins) still left on the battery. It's "unsupported" for plugins and it heats up on me quickly sometimes. I think it's on it's way out. :(
I cannibalize my computers when they're done. Maybe you could find a shop near you that will buy it for parts. - Steven Perez
I switched to my 'splody battery and it's charging now. *crosses fingers* - Heather
Nope, after a laptop verse battery epic battle, the laptop decided not to talk to the battery. So my laptop is pretty much just a lap sized non-portable computer. - Heather
Unelectable Atheists: U.S. States That Prohibit Godless Americans From Holding Public Office - http://www.americanhumanist.org/HNN...
"It’s well known that there aren’t many open atheists in Congress or in state government, and that atheists aren’t held in high esteem by potential voters. Some question our dedication to what they view as a “Christian nation” while others feel that they can’t relate to a candidate who doesn’t share the same faith as they do. Whatever the reason, public distrust isn’t the only means by which atheists are discouraged for running from office. In fact, running for a spot in state legislatures as an atheist is outright illegal in some states." - Heather
Geek Love / No description necessary. - http://pinterest.com/pin...
This is good parenting. - Heather
Welcome to Strolling of the Heifers - http://www.strollingoftheheifers.com/#
"It's a weekend filled with fun and education for the whole family, built around the world-famous Strolling of the Heifers Parade — Saturday, June 2 at 10 a.m. sharp on Brattleboro's historic Main Street." - Heather
"Scores of lovable heifer calves, led by future farmers, lead this agriculturally-themed parade of animals, bands, tractors, floats, clowns and much more. When it's over, follow the crowd to our all-day, 11-acre Live Green Expo for food, entertainment and exhibits." - Heather
BOW canceled again. *pitches a fit*
(Becoming an Outdoors Woman, a weekend of shooting, fishing, and other outdoor stuffs. My mom and I got my aunt to sign up this year.) - Heather
"strolling of the heifers" ... well I didnt follow the link but it sounds like I'd fit in. - Shannon - GlassMistress
Pinterest needs to up their spam control. They expanded way too fast and now the spam is everywhere. I just had to restart Firefox because I couldn't close a spam page. Seriously considering giving up on Pinterest until I hear about drastic improvement.
Yep - AJ Batac
Good lord, I'm an idiot, it just happened again. F'ing A, Cotton. - Heather
Yup. I think my "tour" of Australia will have to be via Skype. - Spidra Webster
I made liquid soap from a bar of soap! (Sorry there's no finished product picture, I forgot.)
Cool! - AJ Batac
The finished consistency is a touch runny because I was afraid of it being too thick. The result is... well I trust FF can sort out what an opaque white liquid kind of looks like. - Heather
Chris and I are watching a show about ad agencies, this one they're writing pitches for Subway. Chris and I have come up with several pitches, none of which are as lame or crazy or over thought as the ones on the show.
zAMbies (morning zombies), interpretive dance, and foot massages wouldn't sell me breakfast, but I'm not 18-25 anyhow. - Heather
my mom worked in advertising (Bozell/Temerlin McClain) in the 80s and 90s and i got to visit her at work alot. i've both heard about and witnessed many things i would never have otherwise believed about ad agencies. - Big Joe Silenced
Chris and I should story board these out and go find an ad agency to force our way into. - Heather
#Glee Best dad in the world.
He has been a wonderful character. - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
I've started a fair number of statements with "I like kids, but..." but the more time I spend with them and think about it, the less confidence I have that I actually like kids.
Heh. - Akiva
i like children when they're my own. otherwise, small doses only. - Big Joe Silenced
I like kids as long as I can give them back! Love being an aunt; wouldn't want to be a mom. - Kirsten loves you
Doctor Who / <3 You'll be in Them for a Couple of Episodes - http://pinterest.com/pin...
Ah, now I get it. - Heather
"If you pass out, I'm taking your top off."
Well. - Victor Ganata
Can I still claim to be looking for a job if I did my hair in this color? - http://pinterest.com/pin...
I imagine you'd spend a lot of time looking for a job if your hair were that color. ;-) - Spidra Webster
So nothing would change. :) - Heather
HIRED - Mo Kargas
Sometimes I wish I knew about more of the drama on FF so I could make it worse for the drama causers. Because I'm mature and dignified like that.
It's probably not worth getting sucked in. Then you'd be the target of more drama. - John (bird whisperer)
I used to feel the same way. Then I remembered what Gerald Kersh once said: “There are men whom one hates until a certain moment when one sees, through a chink in their armour, the writhing of something nailed down and in torment.” And then I stopped caring about the kind of craven asshole who snipes from behind anonymous accounts, because, really, what the hell else could I ever do to them that they haven't done to themselves? - Steven Perez
Sometimes I feel like just telling someone how awesome their post is isn't enough. Especially with all the idiots on Pinterest flapping their brains limply at anyone and everyone.
Exercised. I have yet to decide if I'm happy about that or not.
Kentucky man buys Kmart inventory, gives it all away | The Upshot - Yahoo! News - http://news.yahoo.com/blogs...
"A Kentucky man purchased every last bit of inventory from a Kmart store that was two days away from shutting its doors. But he didn't keep the stuff for himself. Rankin Paynter gave it all way to a local charity." - Heather
<3! - Jenny H.
Gorillas... 98.6% Human - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Cleaned my desk and feel like a new person. Neat and orderly spaces make me happy.
I think ink cartridges might be the scammiest business in existence.
They do cost more than human blood. - Akiva
Blood printers keep clogging. - Andrew C (✔)
They also usually cost more than the printer did in the first place. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Andrew, try adding a couple drops of vampire bat saliva. - Heather
The silicone baking cups were a very good idea. http://www.amazon.com/gp...
I wanna hear more about whatever these chocolate good thangs are. - Derrick
I also did mostly dark chocolate cocoa powder - Chris Topher