Unelectable Atheists: U.S. States That Prohibit Godless Americans From Holding Public Office - http://www.americanhumanist.org/HNN...
"It’s well known that there aren’t many open atheists in Congress or in state government, and that atheists aren’t held in high esteem by potential voters. Some question our dedication to what they view as a “Christian nation” while others feel that they can’t relate to a candidate who doesn’t share the same faith as they do. Whatever the reason, public distrust isn’t the only means by which atheists are discouraged for running from office. In fact, running for a spot in state legislatures as an atheist is outright illegal in some states." - Heather
I've heard about those laws. It should be enough to belive in the infallibility and eternal wisdom of the Founding Fathers. - Eivind
Mayhaps you have not met enough Americans, Eivind. :D - Steven Perez
I've met a few that would disagree with my statement and a few that would be offended by it :) - Eivind
The USA - a theocracy - but they are blaming the same thing, it it is a Muslim country.... What a hypocrisy!!! - Solveigh Calderin