I'm getting a haircut and strongly considering a pixie cut (supposed to be good for round faces). I just can't decide what kind. These are the 3 I like the most. Any thoughts?
Whatever you pick, I hope you combine it with whoa pants. ;-) - John (bird whisperer)
I like the first one a lot, but definitely make sure to consult with your stylist about it, since they know the shape of your hair (especially in the back.) - Jennifer Dittrich
http://hairstyles.thehairstyler.com/hairsty... is another one that I think would work too :D - Chris Topher
More seriously, I like the first and third better than the second. - John (bird whisperer)
#1 def's not #3 too weird seeing her with short hair, maybes #2 but that comes down to personal preference. But I"m vetoing #3 for sure :P - sofarsoShawn
The one Chris linked is interesting. It's really short and would take a lot of getting used to. Well, all of them would, but I think that one even more so. - Heather
Any other thoughts? I'm kind of afraid I'm going to chicken out and go with something I'm used to. - Heather
I really like the first one. - Derrick
Go for it, Heather! I really do like #1, though my favorite is probably: http://tomihair.com/wp-cont... - Jennifer Dittrich
Number one is super cauuute, but is cuz of her quirky smile whereas two is a lil meh faced? Even though I'm ghay I'm not good at this stuff. - sofarsoShawn
Emma's takes the least work each day ;) - Michael W. May