CPAP USERS! Chris's dad has been using a CPAP for a while, but he's having problems with it. He doesn't like or can't use the mask, but the one he has doesn't fit (it just goes in the nose and when he moves it pops out). Any advice or suggestions for another type of mask or something?
Anyone? - Heather
CPAP Australia is upstairs from us. I'll see if I can ask when I get a second - Johnny
#Confession: I always see the word CPAP as CRAP. - Stephen Mack
Thanks Johnny! Stephen, me too. We talked to his dad a little more, trying to jack the head strap to see if it helps. The place he went to said they don't have anything else and he just has to deal with it, but Chris told him about the place Chris was referred to. Hopefully he can get something that works better for him and sleep trough the night! - Heather
I went and saw them. The guy suggests a site called - Johnny