We finished listening to Harry Potter on audiobook. I've now read, watched, and listened to the whole series. - http://images.search.yahoo.com/images...
There's a bit of a stronger finality to it now that I've sort of done it every which way, but it's not sad like the other 2 times. - Heather
Up next: Braille! ;) - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
American or British audiobook? (Two completely different performances.) - Julian
I really want to listen to the US audiobooks. I've heard Jim Dale did a great job. - Spidra Webster
American, Jim Dale was fabulous. His McGonagall and Hagrid were perfect. - Heather
My aunt lent the audiobooks (complete with tape player). They are "on the list" (and the floor beside me). I've done the nearly same with LotR, subbing a couple of radioplays for the audiobooks. - Michael W. May