She's ok and in the hospital for observation, but they think my mom had a heart attack. I don't know what to do.
Oh, Heather. *huge hugs* Can you go see her? - Laura
Oh goodness! Prayers coming to you! - Jenny
*hugs* I went through that with my dad, and it was rough, but we came out OK on the other side. Sending lots of good thoughts your way. - Jennifer Dittrich
Hugs and prayers to you. - Friar Will
My dad said she just wasn't feeling good yesterday and they went into Mass General today. He's home now and he didn't say anything about me coming home. I don't know if I should go home. Part of me wants to throw together a change on clothes and go home now, but I don't want to add stress if things aren't bad and I'm just going to be a ball of worry. - Heather
*hugs* Maybe you can ask your dad about coming home, when he's had a chance to rest at home a bit himself. *more hugs* - vicster.
((((Heather)))) I'm so sorry, sweetie. - Jenny H.
*hugs* - Katy S
(((Heather)))) I hope she recovers as quickly as possible. - Spidra Webster
Oh hun. *hug* It'll be ok. I imagine your mom is just as tough a cookie as you are. <3 I agree with vicster. Give it a short bit so everyone can rest and settle in, then call your dad back and just tell him that you want to be there and make sure your mom is ok and help out, but you don't want to cause any undue stress. That way they know that you do want to be there, but it gives them the option to tell you they're fine and you can relax and not worry about rushing over. - Hookuh Tinypants
Chris talked to my dad. Apparently things are more ok then I got. When they went from the main building to the women's cardio place (a few blocks away) they stopped for lunch. I think I stopped understanding most of the conversation halfway through. I'm going to relax and eat ice cream now. - Heather
I think that sounds like a fantastic plan. :) Glad to hear everything is okay. :) - Hookuh Tinypants
Big hugs Heather, that's really scary xoxoxoxox - Melly #FForever
Update: Her dad called this morning. They ran a blood test and she tested negative for an enzyme your heart produces after you have a heart attack. It appears as if she didn't have one. They are exploring other options such as partial clot and others (he didn't go into much detail). He did say that things are looking a lot better than they were last night though! - Chris Topher
{Heather} {Heather's mom} glad it's not so serious, and that they got her help fast. - Starmama
Best wishes - Steve C, Team Marina
Hope your mom's condition improves soon, Heather. - Stephen Mack
in my prayers - VALZONE#SCREWED
I'm glad it wasn't a heart attack and hope they figure out what it was and get it all squared away ASAP. - Spidra Webster
*hugs* Keeping her in prayer. - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
*hugs* to you, your family, & especially your mom. - Lisa L. Seifert
Sending a *hug*. Hope she is better this evening. - LoisMarketing
Just realized I didn't give the final update. As usual, talking to Mom gets me the whole story. She was recently taken off her high blood pressure meds because of side effects and chest pressure is a common result of coming off the meds. Her doctor monitored her heart rate for 24 hours and wanted a cardiologist to check over things to make sure they were right. When my mom went to the cardiologist she mentioned that she hadn't been feeling well for a few days and rushed her off the ER. - Heather
TL:DR version: Caution and anxiety led to the whole thing. My mom's heart is in great shape. - Heather
Good news! - Anne Bouey
*hugs* so glad the roller coaster ended well (and with ice cream) - Michael W. May
I'm glad that the whole thing was cautionary and that your mom is all right. *hugs* - vicster.