#TeamPie #TeamCheese Yup, cheese pie for dinner! ^_^
*gets in line with plate* - John (bird whisperer)
So I Google cheese pie and get nothing but desserts - what's in this yummy-looking creation? :) - Bash
Cheese pie: 8 oz (1/2 pound) muenster cheese, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, <3/4 cup flour. Cut up cheese, beat egg. Add flour and milk. Stir in all but a handful of the cheese. Bake at 450 for 15 minutes. Add the extra cheese and bake 5 minutes more. #GoodDeedForTheDay ^_^ - Heather
Oh that's right, we made 2. Hello leftovers! - Heather
Whoa. That is an amazing creation. Thank you for sharing the recipe! - Jennifer Dittrich