You know when you skill/ability to do something lags behind your creativity and ideas for that something?
All the time. - John (bird whisperer)
Definitely - Katy S
This does not happen to me very often. I have moderate to passable skills but almost no creativity. - Brian Johns
happens to me all the time in music. that's when i woodshed and discover i can still progress both as a technician and as an artist. as for creativity, it's something that comes with hard and frequent work. creativity is like a muscle that needs exercise to remain functional. the only part of this i can't seem to muster reliably (or sometimes at all) is enough free time. *grumble* - Big Joe Silenced
yep. I can *see* what I want to draw/paint/create, I just have no talent or ability to do it. Frustrating... - WebGoddess