Getting really down about how little control I have over my living situation. They aren't even here, but I know everything I do is going to be complained about and undone as soon as they're back.
So far, we have had 3 days to ourselves. My mom, sister, and 3yo nephew came back for a few hours for some reason...1 hour in and well.....Heather and my desire for our own space is reinforced. - Chris Topher
:o/ xoxox - Melly #FForever
I think a good part of it is that my nephew touches EVERYTHING...and my mom and sister don't really care what he does and doesnt touch. If he breaks something, oh well. He broke my only Xbox 360 controller 2 weeks ago or so and no word on replacement yet. It might also be that my mom plugged in all of the nightlights that Heather and I unplugged because they are either useless where they are, or just not necessary. - Chris Topher
So we were scolded for having dishes in the sink... and then she ran the dishwasher. WTF is the point of us doing dishes if she's going to do them for us? Oh and we better not have dishes on Sunday morning or else (she will wash them)! If we do clean? No one will notice. - Heather