My fault for reading Yahoo comments, but can we institute a new law where anyone who says that women should just shut their legs as a solution to, well basically everything related to women, has to wear a big metal chastity belt?
I'm only ok with this if the chastity belt is an Everlast. But yeah, that is a dumb expression when used as a mass expression... It only works on a personal level. (example: a woman with 18 kids and no job/way to support them. I'm fine in it's usage there). - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
It makes sex into the bad guy, like if all the "irresponsible" or "undesirable" people just stopped having sex everything would be better. But that's from the view point that sex cannot be made safe and has to result in pregnancy. Because responsible people never have sex to enjoy it! If anything the world needs more (safe) sex, people are way too uptight. - Heather