Andrew C (✔)

self-verified is just as good.
Urban Dictionary: Pumpkin -
"6 - (verb) the time of night when you have to head to bed or home due to being very tried, or having something to do very early in the morning, Orgins- Cinderella" -- I have no idea where I picked this up, but I'm glad it's on UD so I know I didn't just make it up. - Andrew C (see
I'd watch the show based on @thinkgeek's AFD thing: Cats piloting human-shaped robots that combine to form a giant cat-shaped robot.
Purge Night is a fine time to work out your frustrations about bad AFD jokes.
Nice to think those intelligent "eat mor chiken" cows are selling chickens out rather than engaging in full-scale rebellion against humans.
Solidarity is difficult to maintain. - John (bird whisperer)
Lesson learned from the last attempt at Revolution, I guess. - Victor Ganata
"Two legs bad"? - Andrew C (see
Two legs better! - John (bird whisperer)
.@BenjaminJS I occasionally dream about being successful enough to need to delete old tweets.
Rand Paul struggles with his signature issues | MSNBC -
"This keeps happening. Paul said he’s given considerable thought to the philosophic nature of “rights,” though his opinions on the subject are largely gibberish. The senator says he cares deeply about minority rights, which he’s struggled to grasp. Paul talks about drone policy, which he’s flubbed badly. Paul claims to hate the Affordable Care Act, but he fails to appreciate what the policy is and what it does. He says he’s deeply concerned about the deficit, but doesn’t know what the deficit is." - Andrew C (see
"Again, these aren’t just random issues; these are the issue Rand Paul himself claims to care the most about. When a politician seems confused about his signature concerns, that’s not a good sign." - Andrew C (see
Rand Paul rejects 'rights based on your behavior' | MSNBC -
"“I don’t think I’ve ever used the word gay rights, because I don’t really believe in rights based on your behavior,” the Kentucky Republican told reporters in a videotaped interview that has received little attention since it was recorded in 2013." - Andrew C (see
"The Kentucky Republican may not have thought this one through. By Rand Paul’s reasoning, gun rights don’t exist because buying, carrying, and/or firing a weapon is a “behavior.” By Rand Paul’s reasoning, religious rights don’t exist because embracing a faith tradition, practicing its tenets, and attending services is a “behavior.” By Rand Paul’s reasoning, free-speech rights don’t exist because expressing one’s opinions and speaking one’s mind is a “behavior.” By Rand Paul’s reasoning, voting rights don’t exist because participating in an election and exercising the franchise is a “behavior.”" - Andrew C (see
"The Kentucky Republican may not have thought this one through. By Rand Paul’s reasoning, gun rights don’t exist because buying, carrying, and/or firing a weapon is a “behavior.” By Rand Paul’s reasoning, religious rights don’t exist because embracing a faith tradition, practicing its tenets, and attending services is a “behavior.” By Rand Paul’s reasoning, free-speech rights don’t exist because expressing one’s opinions and speaking one’s mind is a “behavior.” By Rand Paul’s reasoning, voting rights don’t exist because participating in an election and exercising the franchise is a “behavior.”" - Andrew C (see
The Willy Wonka Sequel That Charlie's Mother Deserves -
"INT. DAY. THE BUCKETS’ family home. CHARLIE and GRANDPA JOE have just left for their factory tour. MRS BUCKET puts down her laundry stick and gazes over the four-poster bed. MRS BUCKET [tiredly]: How many of the rest of you can walk?" - Andrew C (see
"MRS BUCKET: You said you broke your ankle. GRANDMA JOSEPHINE: I’m not a doctor. I only knew that if I stayed in bed, the odds of my ever coming down with a broken ankle would substantially diminish. So I made the choice that made sense for me." - Andrew C (see
Sociopathic life goal: accumulate so much power and prestige that you can floss right at your desk and no one can say anything.
i did that regularly while an analyst during the waning years of the dotcom boom. overrated. - Big Joe Silenced
It's better to want to be governor of California, end up being governor of Rhode Island instead, rather than ending up being the mayor of Irvington, NJ. - April Russo (FForever!)
11 questions you were too embarrassed to ask about the Fast & Furious movies - Vox -
"I stand before you today not just a convert, but an evangelist. The Fast & Furious movies stand as one of the best film franchises America has going for it right now — and maybe even a gloriously dumb representation of everything good about America." - Andrew C (see
"The franchise always prominently features cars, and the solution to every problem is always "more cars," but these aren't "car movies" anymore. It's a neat trick." - Andrew C (see
Report: Bill Clinton Gave Romney Debate Advice For Beating Obama | The Onion - America's Finest News Source -
“That explains why Romney was so full of Clinton-esque charm and brilliance during the debates.” - Andrew C (see
Please proceed, Mr. President-Emeritus. - John (bird whisperer)
Rogue Unleashes Sriracha Hot Stout - Eater Portland -
"The bright red bottle looks a bit more palatable than Rogue's Pepto-pink Voodoo Doughnut Ales. But we're still not sure we want to drink the brewery's new Sriracha Hot Stout. It's stout (think Guinness) — with a dose of spicy-tangy Sriracha. Blerg." - Andrew C (see
Here's Some Stupid For Lunch - In which we learn that Carly Fiorina may need her own booth at the cafe. -
"I have heard of humble-bragging, but this is an entirely new tactic -- failure-bragging. At Hewlett-Packard, she nearly ran the company into Middle Earth, bragged about outsourcing jobs when she did it, and was generally so incompetent a manager that the company paid her millions of dollars to never darken its towels again." - Andrew C (see
Green smoothie: eating healthy. Green salsa (salsa verde): you're just indulging yourself.
Nah, still healthy. Chock full of tomatillos and deliciousness. - Jennifer Dittrich
Avoiding Popular Songs Somehow Accomplishment For Local Man | The Onion - America's Finest News Source -
I wonder if dark matter alien life ever wonders what's going on with "superbright matter".
As I got on the train, I saw someone wearing a Mass Effect hoodie AND my iPod was playing a Mass Effect song simultaneously.
Happy Smarch weather
honest question: In the last few years, how many crime procedurals have gotten fingerprints off a smartphone or tablet?
there's been a few instances, but it's a surprisingly rare thing on those shows. - Big Joe Silenced
Things I Believe About Yesterday's "Modern Love" Column -
"N.B. I am perfectly aware that “Modern Love” articles are carefully calibrated to create outrage in people such as myself. Personally, I think I do an admirable job ignoring them, as a general rule. I am, however, MERELY A HUMAN WOMAN, and you can only ask so much restraint of me." - Andrew C (see
(The comments are pretty extra good on this one.) - Andrew C (see
OMG, you're so right -- the comments have my sides aching. - Stephen Mack
Think of meditative deep breathing exercises as heavy sighing.
"Interview With An Applicant" - Sketch Comedy - YouTube -
Kickstarter for a machine that just cuts corners off of business cards?
If they can have one for potato salad... - Spidra Webster
The Hanging Chad 2000™ - Micah
Forget your allergy pill in the morning and all day long you'll have an annoying yet ultimately trivial nuisance to obsess about.
Depending on the allergy, it might not be trivial. - John (bird whisperer)
Shouts to me for surviving today despite hay fever. I truly have got the right stuff. - Andrew C (see
Do videogame consoles count as toys in the TOY STORY world? Any faceless toys?
Hmm, good question. How about board games, like the pawn pieces in Monopoly? - Stephen Mack
One big problem with THE FLASH show is how frequently the main character forgets that he has super-speed powers.
Well, Flash memory isn't as stable as writing to the hard disk... - Spidra Webster
I needed to clear my sink of dishes, so of course I made chicken stock instead.
Yesterday at improv class, I was leaning against the wall and I accidentally turned off the lights one moment. (The classrooms are windowless, too.) The teacher immediately started out of his seat, but I got the lights on as fast as I could... he told us he was planning on posing on the floor as if he'd been killed during the blackout.
My comedy is so relatable, it's basically genealogy.
I've looked up the lyrics to "Beat It" and I still don't really believe it's "how funky and strong is your fight."
2 FAST 2 FURIOUS was arguably the first movie since BREAKIN 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO to advance the state of the art in sequel titles.
I just got a non-spam marketing email starting off with "Dear *|FNAME|*". Great job, *|COMPANY|*. I feel so valued as an *|INDIVIDUAL|*.