Rand Paul struggles with his signature issues | MSNBC - http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-...
"This keeps happening. Paul said he’s given considerable thought to the philosophic nature of “rights,” though his opinions on the subject are largely gibberish. The senator says he cares deeply about minority rights, which he’s struggled to grasp. Paul talks about drone policy, which he’s flubbed badly. Paul claims to hate the Affordable Care Act, but he fails to appreciate what the policy is and what it does. He says he’s deeply concerned about the deficit, but doesn’t know what the deficit is." - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
"Again, these aren’t just random issues; these are the issue Rand Paul himself claims to care the most about. When a politician seems confused about his signature concerns, that’s not a good sign." - Andrew C (see frenf.it)