Rand Paul is not a radical candidate. He is conservative to the bone | Jeb Lund | Comment is free | The Guardian - http://www.theguardian.com/comment...
"Ron Paul’s quixotic presidential campaigns appealed to young liberals who could ignore everything else he believed in: just say “legalize it!” and invoke enough spooky-government stuff to stoned kids jacked-in to the internet, and they gloss over the social issues and calls to reestablish the labor and infrastructural horrors of the 19th century. That’s always been the libertarian way, and it would make Ron’s son Rand Paul – the newly declared Republican presidential candidate – a radical candidate. But that would also require that Rand Paul be a libertarian." - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
"Which he’s not, and which the announcement of his presidential candidacy on Tuesday did little to address. To his credit, Rand cited his opposition to collecting Americans’ cell phone data and called for the repeal of “any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color,” which would seem to include almost all American criminal law. But the rest was Republican red meat that wouldn’t be out of place in any announcement from fellow conservative candidates." - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
"Despite his branding, Rand is more of a Libertarian In Name Only, a fairly standard Republican adding performative LINO harrumphing on token issues." - Andrew C (see frenf.it)