Steve C, Team Marina

Like a Ferrari that got porked by a luck dragon.
Day 7 of baby fever Virus 1 turned into Virus 2 "raging" ear infections. At least it's treatable. We'd like a break in the kids suffering though.
Ugh. Sorry for all of you! - Jaclyn aka spamgirl
*breathes easier* - MoTO Boychick Devil
Props to coworker for reminding me I had stolen 10 candy bars from the conference two weeks ago and still hadn't remembered they were in my computer bag.
It will be a splendid afternoon. :) - Steve C, Team Marina
"From Mike Reiss’ always-enlightening Sunday column at ESPNBoston: The Patriots were the only team in the NFL without a former player on the coaching staff in 2014."
From MMQB on CNN - Steve C, Team Marina
Costco teams with Citi, Visa - Mar. 2, 2015 -
Costco (COST) says it will start accepting Visa (V) rather than American Express (AXP) at its U.S. stores on April 1, 2016. Currently, the wholesale club retailer has accepted only debit cards and Amex for purchases in its stores or at its gas stations, although it also accepts Visa and MasterCard for online purchases. - Steve C, Team Marina
Two ER trips for the boy yesterday. Neither of us parentals have ever gone to one it's eye opening what a big city ER looks like at 2am. Boy turned corner today on virus of doom. So hopefully no more trips for long time. I don't know how Adam and Tamara survived all the trips in Marina's first year.
*hug* I'm sorry. That sounds very stressful - Soup in a TARDIS
How awful. Glad he seems to be on the mend. - Jaclyn aka spamgirl
The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden 'black site' -
The Chicago police department operates an off-the-books interrogation compound, rendering Americans unable to be found by family or attorneys while locked inside what lawyers say is the domestic equivalent of a CIA black site. The facility, a nondescript warehouse on Chicago’s west side known as Homan Square, has long been the scene of secretive work by special police units. Interviews with local attorneys and one protester who spent the better part of a day shackled in Homan Square describe operations that deny access to basic constitutional rights. Alleged police practices at Homan Square, according to those familiar with the facility who spoke out to the Guardian after its investigation into Chicago police abuse, include: Keeping arrestees out of official booking databases. Beating by police, resulting in head wounds. Shackling for prolonged periods. Denying attorneys access to the “secure” facility. Holding people without legal counsel for between 12 and 24 hours, including people as young as 15. - Steve C, Team Marina
Grr. - Amit Patel
My niece went to college this year partially on cello (music) and debate scholarships. She won her first amateur boxing match this weekend. I don't get college kids these days. What happened to good old fashioned freshman 15 and beer pong?
guessing that she's doing homework too - Aloof Schipperke
The boy learned to click his tongue to make a noise this weekend. Then spent the rest of the weekend demonstrating his new talent to anyone within a 500 mile radius. The cats were less enthusiastic then the parents in their praise.
On the plus side neither cat has mauled him yet which is saying something since the tail is the most appealing target on them. - Steve C, Team Marina
The View-Master is back. Now it's virtual reality for kids. - Feb. 13, 2015 -
"This fall, Google (GOOG) and Mattel (MAT) are coming out with a plastic viewer that pairs up with your smartphone. You can explore virtual reality environments, make three-dimensional dinosaurs appear in the real world or -- in classic fashion -- transport yourself to faraway places and historical monuments. Unlike the old View-Master's static images, you can spin around in place and see everything around you. It'll work with every smartphone and cost $30, the companies said. They unveiled it in New York City on Friday." - Steve C, Team Marina
This makes me unreasonably angry. *loser* - Soup in a TARDIS
Say Goodbye to the Classic White Boxy U.S. Postal Truck -
"The request documents reveal a number of design flaws in the current fleet that the USPS hopes to address in the next one. The preferred upgrades include: Durable door design—i.e. locks and latches that can "withstand the rigors of the postal duty cycle." Stronger wipers—the fleet's existing windshield wipers evidently experience "fatigue" from all the rain or sleet or even snow that don't keep post-people from getting where they need to go. Crevice elimination—apparently the current trucks have lots of "difficult to access" cracks where letters can accidentally slip and get lost in the mail. Heavy-duty mats—all that stepping in and stepping out takes its toll. Better climate control—Keeping the semi-exposed delivery person comfortable in every season requires a ventilation system that delivers heat or air "in the right quantities to the right body locations." And let's not forget a good cup holder. Supplementary material supplies the specs here: The vehicle shall be equipped with a standard adjustable cup holder. The cup holder shall be within reach of the 5th percentile female and the 95th percentile male in the normal seated operating position. All exposed edges shall be rolled or provided with a radius of curvature to prevent injury. Which raises the question: In what sense was Newman a 95th-percentile male?" - Steve C, Team Marina
I miss the mail jeeps from the 70's and 80's. - Brian Johns
Back then, I wanted to buy a mail jeep -- the post office was selling them, painted primer brown -- and paint it TARDIS blue and put a flashing white light on top. (I also wanted to figure out how to make magnets to put on the doors to make it into a TARDIS for special occasions, but I don't think the printable sheets were available then.) - bentley
"Crevice elimination" still sounds very odd. (From the list of requirements.) - CAJ was here
Pope Francis: the choice to not have children is selfish -
"Pope Francis has chided couples who choose not to have children , saying the decision was a “selfish” act. The statement, which he made in his general audience in St Peter’s Square, will be seen as especially controversial in Italy, which has recorded a steady drop in its birth rate for decades. “A society with a greedy generation, that doesn’t want to surround itself with children, that considers them above all worrisome, a weight, a risk, is a depressed society,” the pope said." - Steve C, Team Marina
I ripped him a new one on twitter for this. - Colette
Raccoon meat for sale at L.A. supermarket; store under investigation - LA Times -
"An Asian supermarket in Temple City has come under fire for selling dead raccoons after a video circulated on social media showed bodies of the animals in the frozen meat section. Christina Dow posted the video she filmed Monday at Metro Supermarket in the 4800 block of Temple City Boulevard, showing the frozen raccoons in plastic bags along with packages of meat and fish. Dow pleaded with her Facebook followers to share the video." - Steve C, Team Marina
Eric, it's possible they may have already done this and you have a few less raccoons, now. - April Russo (FForever!)
Brandon Browner calls Kanye West ‘sucka’ in Twitter rant -
""KANYE WEST is a sucka! Everybody don't listen to Beyoncé. Second time he tried to steal somebody shine. First time it was a 15 yr old girl ... Kanye try and play that I'm weird because of my genius. Non of the greats pull that stupid ish. Meaning Marley, Mike Jack, Tupac, Jayz etc. ... Peep who he tried Beck and Taylor Swift. Real tough guy. If only I could've been Beck for one night. Kanye would be rapping thru the wire,"" - Steve C, Team Marina
SWEET. :D - Hookuh Tinypants
Woman Avoids Smiling for 40 Years to Stop Wrinkles -
"A night out with your best friends, marrying your significant other, or the birth of your child can be some of the happiest moments of your life, but you'd never know with Tess Christian — she hasn't smiled in 40 years. Since Christian, 50, was 10 years old, she's never laughed and has barely grinned. No, it's not because Christian has no sense of humor. Instead, she's trying to beat the hands of time and avoid wrinkles. "Everyone asks if I've had Botox, but I haven't, and I know that it's thanks to the fact I haven't laughed or smiled since I was a teenager. My dedication has paid off. I don't have a single line on my face," she said." - Steve C, Team Marina
Seems to have worked - Todd Hoff
I feel kind of sad for her. I mean, she's getting exactly what she wants so I guess from her perspective it's nothing bad or sad. But to me it just seems sad to not experience sidesplitting laughter or grinning like a Cheshire cat. I've always been told that I have a very expressive face, and that makes me love every single wrinkle and sag even more. <3 - Hookuh Tinypants
Mother (Pink Floyd) by Joe Silence -
Big Joes version of Mother is too beautiful not to share again though I had it in my favorites already. Thanks for the story time MoTO and the reminder of all the cool things Big Joe can do - Steve C, Team Marina
Kansas governor erases protections for LGBT state employees with executive order - -
"With a swipe of his pen, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback wiped out protections offered to state employees facing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Brownback, a Republican, issued the executive order Tuesday, doing away with an order enacted by his predecessor, former Gov. Kathleen Sibelius. In 2007 Sibelius issued an order expanding workplace protections to include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees of the state. Brownback, in signing his order, said this "ensures that state employees enjoy the same civil rights as all Kansans without creating additional 'protected classes' as the previous order did."" - Steve C, Team Marina
Our country is so fucked up it's hard to fathom some times. - Steve C, Team Marina
Just saw this elsewhere. What a massive dick this guy is. - Soup in a TARDIS
The world is in trouble the boy is mobile. He can crawl forward now. On purpose. His first destination of choice this weekend was the kitchen naturally.
Exciting! M is still only going backwards. Haha - Tamara J. B.
Yes Tam and Pete the boy only went backwards for past month. Now he has two gears just no brakes. - Steve C, Team Marina
15 Wonderful Activities You Can Do With Your Kids That Will Make You The Coolest Parent Ever -
"15 Wonderful Activities You Can Do With Your Kids That Will Make You The Coolest Parent Ever All parents know that the first few years of a baby’s life are vital to their overall development. So why not make full use of their growing years by combining play time with learning? Instructions can be found below each picture. MEd holder and former classroom science teacher, Asia Citro, is a strong believer in “messy play”." - Steve C, Team Marina
Haha Brian I am a little slow but YES. that is hilarious. :) - Steve C, Team Marina
Newborn baby girl found abandoned near Lakewood Center mall - LA Times -
"The baby appeared to be only a few hours old when the passerby found the infant about 6 a.m. The infant was making noises after being tucked behind a wall near Hardwick Street and Lakewood Boulevard, authorities said." - Steve C, Team Marina
That is my old 'hood too, strange. (20+ years ago, but still my old hood). - Ken Gidley
Americans Don't Know What Causes Cancer -
"Alcohol, obesity, lack of exercise and poor diets have all been shown to increase the risk of cancer – but few Americans realize this, according to a new survey published Wednesday to mark World Cancer Day. Instead, people tend to blame risk factors for cancer on food additives, generally modified foods, stress and beef hormones. Falsely identifying risk factors means many American do not know there are lifestyle changes they can make to help lower the possibility that they might get cancer." - Steve C, Team Marina
Five babies at suburban Chicago daycare center have measles: report -
"CHICAGO, Feb 5 (Reuters) - Five babies at a suburban Chicago daycare center have been diagnosed with measles, adding to a growing outbreak of the disease across the United States, Illinois health officials said on Thursday. Officials are investigating the cluster of measles cases at KinderCare Learning Center in suburban Palatine, said a joint statement from the Illinois and Cook County health departments. All the children are under 1 year old and therefore would not have been subject to routine measles vaccination, which begins at 12 months." - Steve C, Team Marina
And this is the fear for our 7month old here in Long Beach with it's 20 infections in area. - Steve C, Team Marina
Monopoly is putting real money in its board games -
"In a move wonderfully reminiscent of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Hasbro France announced that it will place actual euros into Monopoly sets to honor the iconic board game’s 80th anniversary. Eighty of the 30,000 special anniversary sets sold in France will contain real money. One “jackpot” set will have all its game notes replaced with real ones—good for €20,580 ($23,513). Ten sets will contain €300 ($343) and the 69 other sets will have €150 ($171)." - Steve C, Team Marina
Not for the faint of hearties: Blackbeard's medical devices - -
"Shiver me timbers: Archaeologists have unveiled some unnerving medical tools found amid the wreckage of Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge. Linda Carnes-McNaughton, a volunteer archaeologist on the project, recently presented what she and other researchers from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources discovered about the equipment at the Society for Historical Archaeology's annual meeting. Among the more cringe-inducing findings were a urethral syringe used to inject mercury for the treatment of syphilis and a clyster pump used to deliver medical enemas for "quicker absorption."" - Steve C, Team Marina
Texas boy suspended after bringing 'ring of power' to school -
"Tolkien lore led a Texas boy to suspension after bringing his “one ring” to school. Kermit Elementary School officials called it a threat when the 9-year-old boy, Aiden, in a playful act of make-believe, told a classmate he could make him disappear with a ring forged in fictional Middle Earth’s Mount Doom." - Steve C, Team Marina
“I assure you my son lacks the magical powers necessary to threaten his friend’s existence,” he later wrote in an email. "If he did, I'm sure he'd bring him right back." - Steve C, Team Marina
Illinois cops deliver pizza after arresting deliveryman -
"Officers busted the pizza driver and a friend that night after the driver went through a parking lot to avoid a red light. Once stopped, cops found drug paraphernalia and arrested the delivery man, who was en route to deliver a pie. The customer lived nearby, the receipt showed. "The pizza was already paid for, and the delivery location was within a few blocks," Oswego Police Chief Jeff Burgner told the Chicago Tribune. "They decided one should go ahead and make the delivery."" - Steve C, Team Marina
Second Harper Lee novel to be published in July -
""In the mid-1950s, I completed a novel called 'Go Set a Watchman,'" the 88-year-old Lee said in a statement issued by Harper. "It features the character known as Scout as an adult woman, and I thought it a pretty decent effort. My editor, who was taken by the flashbacks to Scout's childhood, persuaded me to write a novel (what became 'To Kill a Mockingbird') from the point of view of the young Scout. "I was a first-time writer, so I did as I was told. I hadn't realized it (the original book) had survived, so was surprised and delighted when my dear friend and lawyer Tonja Carter discovered it. After much thought and hesitation, I shared it with a handful of people I trust and was pleased to hear that they considered it worthy of publication. I am humbled and amazed that this will now be published after all these years."" - Steve C, Team Marina
So it's really her *first* novel that is coming out. - bentley
My brother visited for a bit yesterday. He looks a lot like me only clean shaven. 7 month old was highly confused as to where the fuzzy face went and kept grabbing his chin and giving him a WTF look. :)
Hah that's great bentley (via zu) it wasn't that dramatic but close. :) - Steve C, Team Marina
I just noticed there are a few "baby meets daddy's twin brother" videos on YouTube. - bentley
Sugary drinks are causing early puberty in girls, study says -
"Researchers analyzed data from 5,583 girls in the Growing up Today Study (GUTS), surveying American children from 1996 to 2001, beginning when they were between the ages of 9 to 14. The study, published in the journal Human Reproduction, found that girls were 24% more likely to start menarche (their first menstrual cycle) in the next month if they drank at least 1.5 servings of sugar-sweetened drinks a day than if they drank no more than two servings per week. This correlation was true for the carbonated drinks with added sugars, but not for drinks with natural sugars like fruit juice, says Karin Michels, a co-author and associate professor at Harvard Medical School. This study did not examine the underlying reasons for this, but according to Michels, it’s probably because the natural sugar in fruit juice has less of an effect on insulin levels and changes to hormonal metabolism the sugar often added to carbonated drinks." - Steve C, Team Marina
Mom: Family that refused vaccination put my baby in quarantine - -
"One of the most contagious viruses on Earth, measles can hang in the air or on surfaces for hours. If she'd contracted the disease, Livia could become deaf or even die. "We were really freaking out and really worried," Jennifer Simon said. Then the Simons learned from a doctor that the child in the doctor's office had contracted measles because his parents had refused vaccination. Livia, just 6 months old, is too young to be vaccinated. "I'm angry," Simon said. "I've been upset that someone else's personal choice has impacted us so much." In Alameda County, where Simon lives, nine infants were in quarantine as of Tuesday night because of the measles outbreak, a spokeswoman said." - Steve C, Team Marina
"A happy baby, she doesn't seem to mind being at home, but it's disrupted the Simons' life and cost them money, as the couple had to miss work for several days and then bring Jennifer's mother in from Houston to stay home with Livia. When asked what she would say to parents of the unvaccinated child, she said she would first ask whether their child was doing OK. Then she would ask them a question: "Hey, you guys, what do you think about vaccines now?" " - Steve C, Team Marina
How nice that the doctor's office called to warn them. Would have been even nicer if the doctor had refused to accept unvaccinated patients. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I vaguely wonder if they could sue in civil court for the lost wages/expenses. That would make an interesting precedent. - CAJ was here
30 babies under isolation as measles outbreak hits Bay Area - LA Times -
"Thirty babies have been placed under home isolation in Alameda County after possible exposure to measles linked to a holiday outbreak at Disneyland last month. Officials with the Alameda County Public Health Department asked the parents of the infants to keep their children at home to avoid further exposure to the contagious illness, department spokeswoman Sherri Willis said. The babies are not infected, Willis said, but had some contact or connection to the measles patients in Alameda County." - Steve C, Team Marina
Start countdown for first measles deaths in CA from the youngest innocents. - Steve C, Team Marina
Taking medical advice from a Playboy centerfold... #whatcouldpossiblygowrong - WarLord
I have already learned a lot from MoTO's get to know Soup conversation. Mainly that I AM THE INNER BITCH. I couldn't be prouder that my lack of filter now has a diagnosis!
So glad it was edifying ;) - Soup in a TARDIS
That needs to be put on a sampler, people - Soup in a TARDIS
Sam Smith Will Pay Tom Petty Royalties for "Stay With Me" -
"Tom Petty has been given a songwriting credit for Sam Smith's hit song "Stay With Me." Petty and collaborator Jeff Lynne were added to the song credits after Petty's team noticed a likeness between Smith's song and Petty's "I Won't Back Down." When the Petty camp reached out to Smith's representatives, they settled the matter amicably and agreed that Petty and Lynne will receive royalties." - Steve C, Team Marina