Newborn baby girl found abandoned near Lakewood Center mall - LA Times -
"The baby appeared to be only a few hours old when the passerby found the infant about 6 a.m. The infant was making noises after being tucked behind a wall near Hardwick Street and Lakewood Boulevard, authorities said." - Steve C, Team Marina
This is a block from our house the sad part is there is a fire station around one corner and a police station across the mall from this. Could have left it at either. - Steve C, Team Marina
That is heartbreaking. - Corinne L
Interesting FFact: My family found an abandoned infant like this once. (before the infant drop-off law) Long story short, the adoptive family got in touch with us later using info from the newspaper articles, and we exchange Christmas cards each year. - Brian Johns
:( - Jenny H.
I think many people, especially those who have had run-ins with law enforcement or are in an environment where they are discouraged against trusting anyone in "the establishment", don't believe there are no repercussions for using a safe haven drop off site. - Corinne L
That is my old 'hood too, strange. (20+ years ago, but still my old hood). - Ken Gidley