Raccoon meat for sale at L.A. supermarket; store under investigation - LA Times - http://www.latimes.com/local...
"An Asian supermarket in Temple City has come under fire for selling dead raccoons after a video circulated on social media showed bodies of the animals in the frozen meat section. Christina Dow posted the video she filmed Monday at Metro Supermarket in the 4800 block of Temple City Boulevard, showing the frozen raccoons in plastic bags along with packages of meat and fish. Dow pleaded with her Facebook followers to share the video." - Steve C, Team Marina
Huh, I don't recall raccoons ever being part of the Chinese food regimen but since we pretty much eat everything else known to man I guess it could be to some. It's more odd that these hadn't been processed in some form before being sold. - rønin
When I first saw this in another post, I was thinking Louisiana instead of Los Angeles. Not a problem for the Duck Commanders. - Greg GuitarBuster
The news story does say raccoons are also eaten in the American South. - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
Plenty of Facebook commenters have been adding that tidbit to the LA Times page, though. It's a good point. - Spidra Webster
But they're not mislabelled, at least. - bentley
I've known country-ass Californians who came from the south as kids, or their parents were from there, who hunted and cooked and ate coon, possum, rabbit...all of them much older than me. - Starmama
Possums and fox squirrels were actually *introduced* into California by Southerners who moved here and wanted to hunt them. - Spidra Webster
You can have the raccoons that show up in my back yard for free. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Eric, it's possible they may have already done this and you have a few less raccoons, now. - April Russo (FForever!)