Day 7 of baby fever Virus 1 turned into Virus 2 "raging" ear infections. At least it's treatable. We'd like a break in the kids suffering though.
Ugh. Sorry for all of you! - Jaclyn aka spamgirl
Poor kiddo. Hope he feels better very soon. - Kirsten loves you
:-( - bentley
Second anti-biotics shot in two days, he saw this one coming. It did not go well. But hopefully it works its magic and we get some positive results by tomorrow. - Steve C, Team Marina
{{{Jeffrey}}} and {{{Mom and Dad}}} - Anne Bouey
Poor Jeffrey. I hope he starts feeling better soon and you guys are able to get some relief, too. - Kristin
Oh no :((( - Tamara J. B.
Pobrecito. :( - Jenny H.
Hang in there, Big Papa - MoTO Boychick Devil
:( poor lil dude. Hope some relief comes soon! - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Update. We have 99 people, WE HAVE 99. 8 Days of 102 and we're down to almost normal now, granted still with motrin but maybe by tonight. Thanks for well wishes. - Steve C, Team Marina
WOO-HOO! (Sorry, meant to whisper and not wake up the kid). woo-hoo *quiet cheer* - bentley
*breathes easier* - MoTO Boychick Devil