Mom: Family that refused vaccination put my baby in quarantine - -
"One of the most contagious viruses on Earth, measles can hang in the air or on surfaces for hours. If she'd contracted the disease, Livia could become deaf or even die. "We were really freaking out and really worried," Jennifer Simon said. Then the Simons learned from a doctor that the child in the doctor's office had contracted measles because his parents had refused vaccination. Livia, just 6 months old, is too young to be vaccinated. "I'm angry," Simon said. "I've been upset that someone else's personal choice has impacted us so much." In Alameda County, where Simon lives, nine infants were in quarantine as of Tuesday night because of the measles outbreak, a spokeswoman said." - Steve C, Team Marina
"A happy baby, she doesn't seem to mind being at home, but it's disrupted the Simons' life and cost them money, as the couple had to miss work for several days and then bring Jennifer's mother in from Houston to stay home with Livia. When asked what she would say to parents of the unvaccinated child, she said she would first ask whether their child was doing OK. Then she would ask them a question: "Hey, you guys, what do you think about vaccines now?" " - Steve C, Team Marina
How nice that the doctor's office called to warn them. Would have been even nicer if the doctor had refused to accept unvaccinated patients. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I vaguely wonder if they could sue in civil court for the lost wages/expenses. That would make an interesting precedent. - CAJ was here